[gradsusr] Ensemble Graphics

Jeff Duda jeffduda319 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 23 12:48:10 EDT 2019

For one, either your data file would need to have an ensemble dimension in
it or your control file would need to be templated over the ensemble
dimension.Use EDEF NM NAMES name1 name2 name3 etc. in the control file.

For two, set your dimension environment to be varying in the ensemble and
time dimensions. The spatial dimensions will have to be fixed ('set x 1';
'set y 1'; 'set z 1' etc.). If you want to display a product valid in a
different spatial context, you can use the aave, max, etc functions to
calculate that and give the domain bounds in the function call.

Jeff Duda

On Tue, Apr 23, 2019 at 10:42 AM L.B. <bcbass2989 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Can anyone provide an example script of how to plot the ensemble graphics
> from this page: http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/ensembles.html ?
> Preferably the 3rd or 5th image showing ensemble members on the y-axis and
> time on the x-axis:
> http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/edemo3.png
> http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/edemo5.png
> This is an area in GrADS that I don't have much experience with and would
> like to learn more about. I have tried to replicate these images with no
> luck. I would appreciate any help.
> Thank you!
> *-------*
> William (L.B.) LaForce IV
> Meteorologist
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Jeff Duda, Research Scientist
University of Colorado Boulder
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
NOAA/OAR/ESRL/Global Systems Division
Boulder, CO
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