[gradsusr] Plotting WEASDsfc with the GFS Ensemble

Stephen McMillan smcmillan at planalytics.com
Mon Oct 29 08:37:57 EDT 2018

What are you trying to accomplish?  Display the sum of all ensemble members
for a single time step?  It would help if you included more than just your
'define snow...' code, such as your time settings, your display command,

Stephen Mc

On Mon, Oct 29, 2018 at 7:03 AM Perry, Aaron <Aaron.Perry at lsc.vsc.edu>

> I am trying to plot WEASDsfc from the GFS Ensemble and am getting the
> following results:
> I am using the following GrADS code:
> 'define snow =
> const((sum(maskout(WEASDsfc.1-WEASDsfc.1(t-1),WEASDsfc.1-WEASDsfc.1(t-1)),t=1,t+0,1))/2.54,
> 0, -u)'
> What am I doing wrong?
> *Aaron Perry*
> Class of 2016
> Lyndon State College
> Lyndonville, VT 05851
> Twitter: @AaronPerryWx <https://twitter.com/AaronPerryWx>
> <https://twitter.com/arnpry> <https://twitter.com/AaronPerryWx>
> Email: Aaron.Perry at lyndonstate.edu
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