[gradsusr] Plot Image Skewed

Mark Sponsler msponsler at comcast.net
Thu Feb 1 16:27:52 EST 2018


I'm using fwrite to store temp data from a DODs server and build images.

The resulting plot is skewed (see attached image).

Suspect either something is weird in how I store the data via fwrite or in my control file. Both are provided below.

I get the same result whether using x,y points or actual coordinates when setting the fwrite dims.


Fwrite Commands

'set fwrite c:/grib/dods_data.dat'
'set gxout fwrite'

** Set Lat and Lon

* 'set lat 32 63'
* 'set lon 208 256'
'set x 832 1024'
'set y 488 612'

** Set Levels and Dsplay Data'
'set lev 1000'
'd tmp2m'
'd apcpsfc'
'd csnowsfc'
'd tmpprs'

'set lev 975'
'd tmpprs'
'set lev 950'
'd tmpprs'
'set lev 925'
'd tmpprs'
'set lev 900'
'd tmpprs'
'set lev 875'
'd tmpprs'
'set lev 850'
'd tmpprs'
'set lev 825'
'd tmpprs'
'set lev 800'
'd tmpprs'
'set lev 775'
'd tmpprs'
'set lev 750'
'd tmpprs'
'set lev 725'
'd tmpprs'
'set lev 700'
'd tmpprs'
'set lev 675'
'd tmpprs'
'set lev 650'
'd tmpprs'
'set lev 625'
'd tmpprs'
'set lev 600'
'd tmpprs'

The script then loops through multiple time steps.

Control File

dset c:\grib\dods_data.dat
undef 9.999E+20
ydef 124 linear 32.000000 0.25
xdef 192 linear 208.000000 0.25
tdef 41 linear 06Z01FEB2018 06hr
zdef 17 levels 1000 975 950 925 900 875 850 825 800 775 750 725 700 675 650 625 600
vars 4
tmp2m 0 999 ** 2 m above ground minimum temperature [k]
apcpsfc 0 99 ** surface total precipitation [kg/m^2]
csnowsfc 0 1 ** surface categorical snow (yes=1; no=0) [non-dim]
tmpprs 0 999 ** (1000 975 950 925 900.. 7 5 3 2 1) temperature [k]

Any help would be appreciated!

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