[gradsusr] Converting the grid with conditional loop in grads

Jayakrishnan P.R prjayakrishnan at gmail.com
Thu Dec 27 23:04:29 EST 2018

Dear All,
           I have a gridded data of population globally from 1950 to 2005.
I wanted to do as follows.
1) Convert the grid into three different types.
Type 1 grid>>> Display those grids if greater than value 10000 in the year
1950 and greater than value 10000 in the year 2015..
Type 2 grid  Display those grids if value less than 10000 in the year 1950
and greater than 10000 in the year 2015...
Type 3 grid Display those grids if less than value 10000 in the year 1950
and less than value 10000 in 2015
Any thoughts in grads will be appreciated....Can we do this using
maskout function, constant function and if else statement ?. I am unable to
do it in grads. Trying to do in mathlab...


Dr. Jayakrishnan P.R
Post Doctoral Research Fellow
Science Technology Building
School of System Science
Beijing Normal University
No. 96 XInjiekouwai Street
Beijing 100875
Tel: +86-188 11005715

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