[gradsusr] Writing point model output data to a file

Zilore Mumba zmumba at gmail.com
Mon Dec 17 23:51:08 EST 2018

Once again thanks to Jim, Jennifer and all who spent time looking at my
script. I have sorted out the issue of writing blank lines. This was
because I did not correctly modify the original script on capturing the
output of "d t2".
In case this may be of use to someone else, the working script is:
'open wrfout_d01_2018-12-02_00.ctl'
'set lon 30.13'
'set lat -1.97'

 str='Temp at Lon.='xlon', Lat.='xlat
 rc=write('wrfout_t2.txt', str)

count = 1
while (count <=3)
   'set t 'count
   'd t2'

*  Save data to file
   rc=write('wrfout_t2.txt', temp, append)
   count = count + 1

rc = close('wrfout_t2.txt')

On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 8:42 PM Zilore Mumba <zmumba at gmail.com> wrote:

> Jim,
> Thanks very much for pointing out to me the issue of wrongly subsetting
> the output line. Somehow I had it in my mind that Grads takes the first
> line as a control character, so that the the second line is referred to as
> the first. I was  obviously wrong.
> With your modification of my script, the error disappears, which is a very
> big advance, but then it writes the header (correctly) and three blank
> lines after.
> Thanks for your assistance, though I still have the printing of blanks to
> sort out.
> Zilore
> On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 9:22 AM James T. Potemra <jimp at hawaii.edu> wrote:
>> Zilore,
>> I don't think you need to subset the output by line; each of "set lon",
>> "set lat", and "d t2" should only result in a single line of output.
>> Therefore you don't need the extra lines with "... = sublin(result,2)"
>> in your script.  This is trying to read the second line of output and
>> you only have one.  This is why you are not getting any output in the
>> file.
>> The "unknown command" is, I think, a result of not capturing the output
>> of the write statement.  The following should work.
>> ---------------
>> 'open wrfout_d01_2018-12-02_00.ctl'
>> ************************
>> 'set lon 30.13'
>>     xlon=subwrd(result,4)
>> 'set lat -1.97'
>>     xlat=subwrd(result,4)
>>   rc = write('wrfout_t2.txt', 'Temp at Lon. 'xlon 'Lat. 'xlat)
>> count = 1
>> while (count <=3)
>>     'set t 'count
>>     'd t2'
>>     temp=subwrd(result,4)
>> *Save data to file
>>     rc = write('wrfout_t2.txt', temp, append)
>>     count = count + 1
>> endwhile
>> rc = close('wrfout_t2.txt')
>> ---------------
>> Jim
>> On 12/16/18 8:44 PM, Zilore Mumba wrote:
>> > I want to write data at all time steps to a file, i.e at a fixed
>> > longitude and latitude for t=1 to t=9 for a 48 hour forecast run of
>> > the WRF output, I want all 9 temperatures in a file at that location.
>> > I wrote the following script
>> >
>> > 'open wrfout_d01_2018-12-02_00.ctl'
>> > ************************
>> > 'set lon 30.13'
>> >     lons=sublin(result,2)
>> >     xlon=subwrd(lons,4)
>> > 'set lat -1.97'
>> >     lats=sublin(result,2)
>> >     xlat=subwrd(lats,4)
>> >
>> >   write('wrfout_t2.txt', 'Temp at Lon. 'xlon 'Lat. 'xlat)
>> >
>> > count = 1
>> > while (count <=3)
>> >     'set t 'count
>> >     'd t2'
>> >     tmp=sublin(result,2)
>> >     temp=subwrd(tmp,4)
>> >
>> > *Save data to file
>> >     write('wrfout_t2.txt', temp, append)
>> >     count = count + 1
>> > endwhile
>> >
>> > The above script writes "Temp at Lon.  'Lat. " in the file "wrfout_t2"
>> > as per the first write statement. Then there is no other entry in the
>> > file, but an error on the terminal "unknown command 0". This error is
>> > repeated 4 times
>> > How do I go about achieving what an trying to do?
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