[gradsusr] GrADS Milestones

Alan Robock robock at envsci.rutgers.edu
Thu Apr 26 15:07:40 EDT 2018

Dear Brian and Jennifer,

I was at the University of Maryland when GrADS was invented by Brian 
Doty.  I remember two small contributions I made during that time. 
Originally, the default time interval was 3 years for certain record 
lengths.  I asked Brian to change that to either 1 or 5, as 3 was not 
nearly as easy to understand.  He changed it instantly.  Another time, I 
was trying to plot Fig. 1 of 
http://climate.envsci.rutgers.edu/pdf/WinterWarming.pdf , which involved 
13 small maps.  But the program kept crashing.  I asked Brian about it, 
and it turns out he never thought someone would make such a large output 
file, and he had a limit set for a buffer.  He said, "Try it now," and 
by the time I had walked down the hall to my office and tried it again, 
it had been changed.

So thanks for this wonderful program, which has allowed me and 
scientists around the world to easily plot observations and model output 
in an intuitive way, with great looking figures and maps.  I can still 
instantly identify a GrADS figure when I see it in a talk or paper.  And 
I look forward to continuing to use it for a long time to come.


Alan Robock, Distinguished Professor
   Editor, Reviews of Geophysics
Department of Environmental Sciences             Phone: +1-848-932-5751
Rutgers University                                 Fax: +1-732-932-8644
14 College Farm Road                  E-mail: robock at envsci.rutgers.edu
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8551  USA     http://envsci.rutgers.edu/~robockhttp://twitter.com/AlanRobock         2017 Nobel Peace Prize to ICAN!
Watch my 18 min TEDx talk at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsrEk1oZ-54

On 4/26/2018 2:49 PM, Pavel Kishcha wrote:

On Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 4:30 PM, Jennifer M Adams <jadams21 at gmu.edu 
<mailto:jadams21 at gmu.edu>> wrote:

    Dear All,
    The time has come to announce some changes at COLA that will affect
    all of us: the funding that supports GrADS has come to an end. Brian
    Doty will be retiring at the end of the summer, and I will be moving
    to NASA/GSFC to work in the Goddard Earth Sciences (GES) Data and
    Information Services Center (DISC). Both of us will continue to be
    active GrADS users, and our plan is to move the source code to
    GitHub where it will become a more traditional open source project.
    Our development and support of GrADS going forward will be a
    volunteer effort, but I sincerely hope you will not interpret this
    news as a reason to stop using GrADS. We feel that our recent
    changes to GrADS make it a flexible and extendable tool with a
    stable core and the necessary hooks for further customization by
    ambitious users. COLA will continue to host this forum, and I will
    remain as the moderator and frequent contributor. I promise to do
    what I can to ensure that GrADS remains relevant, useful, and fast.

    Jennifer Miletta Adams
    Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)
    George Mason University

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