[gradsusr] xdfopen with multiple files

Kiswendsida Hyacinthe Guigma K.Guigma at sussex.ac.uk
Thu Apr 12 14:11:22 EDT 2018

Hi grads-users!
I have many Netcdf files into one folder that I want to plot using grads. Each file contains 111 variables and the X and Y dimensions are the same for them all.  They don't contain time nor level dimension. ncdump gives me the following result:
netcdf IND2_ERA_1_1_HImax_4d_95perc_stat {
	lon = 71 ;
	lat = 31 ;
	double lon(lon) ;
		lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
		lon:long_name = "lon" ;
		lon:axis = "X" ;
	double lat(lat) ;
		lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
		lat:long_name = "lat" ;
		lat:axis = "Y" ;
	float int(lat, lon) ;
		int:units = "deg_C" ;
		int:_FillValue = 1.e+32f ;
		int:long_name = "Mean intensity" ;
	float int1(lat, lon) ;
		int1:units = "deg_C" ;
		int1:_FillValue = 1.e+32f ;
		int1:long_name = "Mean intensity in January" ;
	float int2(lat, lon) ;
		int2:units = "deg_C" ;
		int2:_FillValue = 1.e+32f ;
		int2:long_name = "Mean intensity in February" ;
	float int3(lat, lon) ;
		int3:units = "deg_C" ;
		int3:_FillValue = 1.e+32f ;
		int3:long_name = "Mean intensity in March" ;
	float int4(lat, lon) ;

It is possible for me to read each one of them using sdfopen. But when it comes to open them with xdfopen using the TEMPLATE option, it gives me this error message:

gadxdf error: Missing or invalid dimension size. 

  --> The invalid description file record is: 

  --> edef 24 names min_3d_90perc min_4d_90perc min_5d_90percperc min_6d_90perc min_3d_95percperc min_4d_95perc min_5d_95perc min_6d_95perc min_3d_99perc min_4d_99perc min_5d_99perc min_6d_99perc max_3d_90perc max_4d_90perc max_5d_90perc max_6d_90perc max_3d_95perc max_4d_95perc max_5d_95perc max_6d_95perc max_3d_99perc max_4d_99perc max_5d_99perc max_6d_99perc 

  The data file was not opened. 

This is my ctl script:

DSET	/research/geog/data2/DATA/kg312/Fortran/IND2_ERA_1_1_%e_stat.nc
OPTIONS template
EDEF 24 NAMES min_3d_90perc min_4d_90perc min_5d_90percperc min_6d_90perc min_3d_95percperc min_4d_95perc min_5d_95perc min_6d_95perc min_3d_99perc min_4d_99perc min_5d_99perc min_6d_99perc max_3d_90perc max_4d_90perc max_5d_90perc max_6d_90perc max_3d_95perc max_4d_95perc max_5d_95perc max_6d_95perc max_3d_99perc max_4d_99perc max_5d_99perc max_6d_99perc 
VARS 111
int 1 99 int
int1 1 99 int1
int2 1 99 int2
int3 1 99 int3

I really don't understand that. Is is because my netCDF files are 2D (if this was a problem I don't think I would be able to open them using sdfopen)?
Your help is more than welcome.



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