[gradsusr] about GrADS-2.2.0

Jennifer M Adams jadams21 at gmu.edu
Sat Sep 23 08:17:26 EDT 2017

Hi, River — 
Please see comments inline

> On Sep 23, 2017, at 7:31 AM, weatherman <weather.man at aliyun.com> wrote:
> I installed grads2.2.0 in /usr/local/bin/grads-2.2.0,So I have a bin and lib directory there.
> I installed supplementary file in /usr/local/lib/grads/.The environment variables are set up.

What are GADDIR and GAUDPT set to? 
If you have GADDIR set to /usr/local/lib/grads (which seems likely), then GrADS will find $GADDIR/udpt (a built-in default) and you can leave $GAUDPT empty. 

> I created the file /usr/local/lib/grads/udpt to inform GrADS where to find the plug-ins.

> # Type     Name     Full path to shared object file
> # ----     ----     -------------------------------
> gxdisplay  Cairo    /usr/local/bin/grads-2.2.0/lib/libgxdCairo.so
> gxdisplay  X11      /usr/local/bin/grads-2.2.0/lib/libgxdX11.so
> gxdisplay  gxdummy  /usr/local/bin/grads-2.2.0/lib/libgxdummy.so
> *
> gxprint    Cairo    /usr/local/bin/grads-2.2.0/lib/libgxpCairo.so
> gxprint    GD       /usr/local/bin/grads-2.2.0/lib/libgxpGD.so

> When I run  grads, 
> Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) Version 2.2.0
> Copyright (C) 1988-2017 by George Mason University
> See file COPYRIGHT for more information
> Config: v2.2.0 little-endian readline grib2 netcdf hdf4-sds hdf5 opendap-grids,stn geotiff shapefile
> Issue 'q config' and 'q gxconfig' commands for more detailed configuration information
> Landscape mode? ('n' for portrait):
> GX Package Initialization: Size = 11 8.5

> GX Package Error: dlopen failed to get a handle on gxprint plug-in named “Cairo”
This line  is an error message from GrADS

> : cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
This line is an error message from the dlopen library. It looks like the field where the full path to libgxpCairo.so should be is empty — the file GrADS is looking for should be preceding that “:” at the beginning of your error message. Here is what I get when I put a bad filename deliberately (“foo”): 

GX Package Error: dlopen failed to get a a handle on gxprint plug-in named "Cairo" 
   foo: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Do you have GAUDPT set to point to an empty file? If the default $GADDIR/udpt has the info GrADS needs, then setting $GAUDPT isn’t strictly necessary. I use GAUDPT to point to my own personal plug-in functions and developer version of the graphics plug-ins, and $GADDIR/udpt to point to the official versions of the graphics plug-ins for every user on the server. The names in the $GAUDPT file override the names in the $GADDIR/udpt file. If there are errors in $GAUDPT GrADS will always use those first and then give up and quit before trying any other options. 

What happens if you try "grads -h GD" or “grads -d X11” — do you get the same empty error message ? 


> GX Package Terminated
> What do I need to get off the ground?
> Thanks.
> -River
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Jennifer Miletta Adams
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)
George Mason University

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