[gradsusr] Drawing rectange not working

Ricardo Hallak ricardo.hallak at iag.usp.br
Mon May 1 15:41:44 EDT 2017

Hi, Howard.

have you already explicitly written the variables X01, X02, Y01 and Y02 before drawing a rectangle?
Something like:
say X01 X02 Y01 Y02
'draw recf  'X01'  'Y01' 'X02' 'Y02

would help understand the eror.

A possible guees is that 
 'define Y02 = 6.5 + (LCDClcll*0.4)'
is producing something wrong.

Hope this helps,

----- Mensagem original -----
| I am tying to add cloud low/ mid/ high cloud to Meteogram
| Drawing rectangles looping through data WRF output
| Count = 1
| X01 = 1.8
| While  count < 194
| ' set t 'count
| X02 = X01 + 0.04536
| Y01 = 6.5
| 'define Y02 = 6.5 + (LCDClcll*0.4)'
| 'set line 16'
| 'draw recf  'X01'  'Y01' 'X02' 'Y02
| count  = count + 1
| X01 = X01 + 0.04536
| Endwhile
| Error
| DRAW error: Sy tax is DRAW recf xlo ylo xhi yhi
| Can anyone spot the issue please?
| Kind regards,
| Howard Staines
| Manager and Forecaster
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Prof. Ricardo Hallak
Laboratório de Meteorologia de Mesoescala - LMM
Departamento de Ciências Atmosféricas
Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas
Universidade de São Paulo

Phone: +55(11)3091-4698

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