[gradsusr] Control file for nc file from CMIP5

Lyndon Mark Olaguera olagueralyndonmark429 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 20 01:39:28 EST 2017


You can do any of the following.

[1] Set tdef like this if you want to use a ctl file. To determine the XDEF
and YDEF, you can use ncdump -h or cdo sinfo to get the correct coordinates.

TDEF time 365 LINEAR 01Jan1971 1mo

[2] Use nco like the following. In this case, no need to create a ctl file.
You can open the netcdf via sdfopen.

ncatted -O -a calendar,time,o,c,"standard" input_file.nc


*Lyndon Mark P. Olaguera*
PhD Student
Monsoon Climatology Laboratory
Department of Geography
Faculty of Urban Environmental Science
Minami-Osawa Campus
Tokyo Metropolitan University

On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 9:51 AM, syairah atiqah atiq <
syairahatiqah at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Dear grads experts,
> Anyone has an experience deal with CMIP5 data? I need help. I downloaded
> nc. file from CMIP5 model. However when I try to open it using sdfopen,
> it's error. Below what the grads said:
> sdfopen C:\Users\atiqah\Downloads\sic_OImon_MIROC5_historical_
> r1i1p1_185001-201212.nc
> Scanning self-describing file:  C:\Users\atiqah\Downloads\
> sic_OImon_MIROC5_historical_r1i1p1_185001-201212.nc
> SDF Error: 365 day calendars are no longer supported by sdfopen.
>   To open this file with GrADS, use a descriptor file with
>   a complete TDEF entry and OPTIONS 365_day_calendar.
>   Documentation is at http://iges.org/grads/gadoc/SDFdescriptorfile.html
> what should I do? did I need do the control file?
> dset   C:\Users\atiqah\Downloads\sic_OImon_MIROC5_historical_
> r1i1p1_185001-201212.nc
> undef  -9.99e+33
> title   Sea ice area fraction
> xdef
> ydef
> zdef   1 levels 0
> tdef   163 linear 00z01JAN1980 1mon
> vars 1
> sic  0 99 summer [%]
> endvars
> Thank you
> Atiqah
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