[gradsusr] Cannot able to plot NARR data

Wesley Ebisuzaki - NOAA Federal wesley.ebisuzaki at noaa.gov
Wed Feb 1 09:40:44 EST 2017


    GrADS has only 1 time variable.
    Typical grib files typically have up to 3 time variables:  ex. 3-6 hr
         1:   start time of forecast (analysis)
         2:   start time of average (accumulation)
         3:   end time of average (accumulation)

       For an analysis, time 1=2=3
       For a forecast, time 2=3

     Gribmap maps time 1, 2 or 3 into the grads time.
     For time 1: -0 (zero)
     For time 2: use -b
     For time 3: (default option)

For reanalysis files, you usually use time #1 (gribmap -0) so that you
can use the template option.

It appears that you used option #3 (gribmap with the default time).  Given
your tdef line in the control file, you have to set time to 06Z27SEP2010.

ga-> set t 2
Time values set: 2010:9:27:6 2010:9:27:6
ga-> set lat 0 90
LAT set to 0 90
ga-> set lon -140 0
LON set to -140 0
ga-> d hgtprs(lev=500)-hgtprs(lev=1000)


On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 1:09 AM, kalyan chakravarthy <kalyan4space at gmail.com>

> Thanks a lot for your reply. I have given the range of longitudes between
> 140W to 0. Still I didn't observe any changes in the plot.
> Regards,
> Kalyan
> On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 5:54 PM, James T. Potemra <jimp at hawaii.edu> wrote:
>> Hi Kalyan,
>> There are a lot of missing data in your file, so that might be why
>> contours/shading doesn't show up.  If you use "set gxout grfill" before "d
>> thick" you can see all the valid grid cells.  Also note that your longitude
>> values are somewhat unconventional and run from -220 -0.4375 (140E to 0),
>> so make sure your "set lon x1 x1" is within that range.
>> Jim
>> On 1/31/17 3:31 PM, kalyan chakravarthy wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> By using NARR data, I am trying to plot the thickness between 500-1000mb
>> levels. I am having an ctl file to open the grib file.
>> I have used the following commands to read and plot the file
>> Open model.ctl
>> set lat y1 y2
>> set lon x1 x2
>> define thick=HGTprs(lev=500)-HGTprs(lev=1000)
>> d thick
>> But I didn't see any shaded or contours drawn. Can anyone helpme with the
>> problem.
>> I have attached the data files.
>> Thanks in advance
>> Kalyan​
>>  model.ctl
>> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5GylLRnzAPJeFBpUDNPOFc3aGM/view?usp=drive_web>
>> ​​
>>  narr-a_221_20100927_0600_000.grb
>> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5GylLRnzAPJaG4tMTd5YkpxWTg/view?usp=drive_web>
>> ​​
>>  narr-a_221_20100927_hh00_000.idx
>> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5GylLRnzAPJWHBOQjRGMFJwZlU/view?usp=drive_web>
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