[gradsusr] change in sdfwrite with 2.1.1.b

Jennifer M Adams jadams21 at gmu.edu
Tue Apr 25 16:26:15 EDT 2017

Hi, Jim —
I am not able to duplicate this error. Here’s what I get when I try your commands:

ga-> set sdfwrite -3dt test.nc
SDFWrite file name = test.nc
SDFWrite will replace an existing file
SDFwrite file will have 3 dimensions: lon, lat, and time
SDFwrite file will not have a record dimension
ga-> sdfwrite ps
Wrote variable ps to test.nc

Can you check the info that GrADS returns after your ‘set sdfwrite’ command? You may want to compare it to the output from ‘q sdfwrite’ and don’t forget ‘clear sdfwrite’ to reset everything.

On Apr 25, 2017, at 2:39 PM, James T. Potemra <jimp at hawaii.edu<mailto:jimp at hawaii.edu>> wrote:

Hi all,

Does anyone know if there are changes to sdfwrite with the latest
version of GrADS?  Version 2.1.1.b0 does not seem to take options.  For
example, the previous version would write a 3-coord file with -3dt; the
new version seems to take the first argument after "set sdfwrite" as the
file name:

'set sdfwrite -3dt sample_out.nc'
'sdfwrite var1'

used to write the variable "var1" to the netcdf file "sample_out.nc".
Version 2.1.1.b0 writes this to a file called -3dt




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Jennifer Miletta Adams
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)
George Mason University

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