[gradsusr] Help, how to show more times in x axis in a meteogram?

Daniele Gandini daniele.gandini at arpa.piemonte.it
Tue Apr 11 03:27:50 EDT 2017

You can also try

set xaxis start end <increment> 

Specifies where the labeled tick marks will be placed on the X-axis. Labeled tick marks begin at the specified start value and end at the specified end value with the specified increment. Labeled tick marks may have no relation to data or dimensions. 


set xlabs lab1 | lab2 | ...
label the x axis with lab1, lab2, lab3,...

Usage Notes


set xlabs | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |



----- Messaggio originale -----
Da: "Juan Jose Amides Figueroa Urbano" <juanjosefigueroa at gmail.com>
A: "Davide Sacchetti" <davide.sacchetti at arpal.gov.it>
Cc: gradsusr at gradsusr.org
Inviato: Lunedì, 10 aprile 2017 17:41:14
Oggetto: Re: [gradsusr] Help,	how to show more times in x axis in a meteogram?

Thanks for your help, i appreciate it and will try it. 

jn 3:16 

On Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 2:02 AM, Davide Sacchetti < davide.sacchetti at arpal.gov.it > wrote: 

I didn't find any simple solution 
the easiest way could be to add inner ticks, like this: 

ga-> q gxinfo 
Last Graphic = Line 
Page Size = 11 by 8.5 
X Limits = 2 to 10.5 
Y Limits = 0.75 to 7.75 
Xaxis = Time Yaxis = Val 

then you divide your 'X Limits' into the number of desired inner ticks, 
cycle on them and draw ticks (eg.: draw line 6.25 0.70 6.25 0.75) 
or vertical line (eg.: draw line 6.25 0.75 6.25 7.75) 

hoping it could help 

Il giorno ven, 07/04/2017 alle 15.26 +0000, Juan Jose Amides Figueroa 
Urbano ha scritto: 
> Hi Grads ussers, i have an script to make a meteogram using the 
> subplot script but, my problem is, using GFS 0.5 Deg data for 41 time 
> steps (7 forecast days aprox) i want to show more times labels in x 
> axis (actually this script only show 5 time references) to bring more 
> references to do the forecast, please se the final result image 
> here: http://srt.marn.gob.sv/salidasgfs/06/gdi/meteograma_msss.png 
> My script: 
> #==================================================================== 
> =================== 
> #==================================================================== 
> =================== 
> #=================================== METEOGRAMA 
> ====================================== 
> #==================================================================== 
> =================== 
> #==================================================================== 
> =================== 
> #******************************************************** 
> #'set xsize 1400 3000' 
> 'set lat 13.699' 
> 'set lon 270.882' 
> 'set display color white' 
> 'set gxout shaded' 
> 'set csmooth on' 
> 'set grads off' 
> 'c' 
> # Temperaturas a 2 metros 
> #------------------------------ 
> 'set grid on 3 1 2' 
> 'set t 1 41' 
> 'subplot 6 1 1 -xy 6.5 -ytight 0' 
> 'set grads off' 
> 'set gxout linefill' 
> 'set lfcols 2 10' 
> 'set vrange 0 45' 
> 'set vrange2 1 41' 
> 'set xlopts 1 3 0.05' 
> 'set ylopts 1 3 0.04' 
> 'set ylint 2.5' 
> 'set xlint 41' 
> 'tmp2menos=(tmp2m)*-1' 
> 'd (tmp2m-272.15);(tmp2menos-272.15)' 
> 'set gxout linefill' 
> 'set lfcols 10 2' 
> 'dpt2menos=(dpt2m)*-1' 
> 'd (dpt2m-272.15);(dpt2menos-272.15)' 
> 'set gxout line' 
> 'set ccolor 1' 
> 'set cmark 0' 
> 'd tmp2m-272.15' 
> 'set gxout line' 
> 'set cmark 0' 
> 'set ccolor 1' 
> 'd dpt2m-272.15' 
> 'set font 4' 
> 'set strsiz 0.15 0.15' 
> 'draw string 0.99 2.2 Meteograma para Aeropuerto Intl. Ilopango' 
> 'set font 4' 
> 'set strsiz 0.09 0.09' 
> 'draw string 0.99 2 Coordenadas: Lat 13.699, Lon -89.118' 
> 'set strsiz 0.06 0.06' 
> 'draw string 0.99 1.78 Temperatura(rojo) y Punto rocio (verde) a 2 
> metros en grados Celsius' 
> #------------------------------ 
> #sunsdsfc 
> #------------------------------ 
> 'set t 1 41' 
> 'subplot 6 2 1 -xy 6.5 -ytight 0' 
> 'set grads off' 
> 'set gxout linefill' 
> 'set lfcols 12 10' 
> 'sunsdsfcmenos=sunsdsfc*-1' 
> 'set xlopts 1 3 0.05' 
> 'set ylopts 1 3 0.05' 
> 'set vrange 0 24000' 
> 'd sunsdsfc;sunsdsfcmenos' 
> 'set gxout line' 
> 'set ccolor 1' 
> 'set cmark 0' 
> 'set cstyle 3' 
> 'd sunsdsfc' 
> 'set strsiz 0.06 0.06' 
> 'draw string 0.99 1.78 Duracion de luz en la superficie [Segundos]' 
> #------------------------------ 
> #Precipitacion 
> #------------------------------ 
> 'set t 1 41' 
> 'subplot 6 3 1 -xy 6.5 -ytight 0' 
> 'set grads off' 
> 'set gxout bar' 
> 'set ccolor 13' 
> 'set vrange 0 80' 
> 'set xlopts 1 3 0.05' 
> 'set ylopts 1 3 0.05' 
> 'd apcpsfc' 
> 'set strsiz 0.06 0.06' 
> 'draw string 0.99 1.78 Precipitacion cada hora [mm]' 
> #------------------------------ 
> #Presion media al nivel del mar 
> #------------------------------ 
> 'set t 1 41' 
> 'subplot 6 4 1 -xy 6.5 -ytight 0' 
> 'set grads off' 
> 'set gxout linefill' 
> 'set lfcols 15 10' 
> 'set vrange 1006 1024' 
> 'set xlopts 1 3 0.05' 
> 'set ylopts 1 3 0.05' 
> 'pmslmenos=(prmslmsl)*-1' 
> 'd (prmslmsl/100);(pmslmenos/100)' 
> 'set gxout line' 
> 'set ccolor 1' 
> 'set cmark 0' 
> 'd prmslmsl/100' 
> 'set strsiz 0.06 0.06' 
> 'draw string 0.99 1.78 Presion media reducida al nivel del mar (QNH) 
> [Hecto Pascales]' 
> #------------------------------ 
> #Altura de isoterma 0 
> #------------------------------ 
> 'set t 1 41' 
> 'subplot 6 5 1 -xy 6.5 -ytight 0' 
> 'set grads off' 
> 'set gxout line' 
> 'set ccolor 2' 
> 'set cmark 0' 
> 'set cstyle 3' 
> 'set cthick 20' 
> 'set xlopts 1 3 0.05' 
> 'set ylopts 1 3 0.05' 
> 'd hgt0c' 
> 'set strsiz 0.06 0.06' 
> 'draw string 0.99 1.78 Altura de isoterma 0 (Nivel de congelamiento) 
> [Metros Geopotenciales]' 
> #------------------------------ 
> #Viento en la vertical 
> #------------------------------ 
> 'set t 1 41' 
> 'set z 1 19' 
> 'subplot 6 6 1 -xy 6.5 -ytight 0' 
> 'set grads off' 
> 'set gxout barb' 
> 'set digsiz 0.02' 
> 'set vrange 0 200' 
> 'set xlopts 1 3 0.05' 
> 'set ylopts 1 3 0.05' 
> 'd skip(ugrdprs*1.94,2);vgrdprs*1.94' 
> 'set strsiz 0.06 0.06' 
> 'draw string 0.99 1.78 Viento en la vertical ' 
> #------------------------------ 
> 'set font 0' 
> 'set strsiz 0.09 0.09' 
> 'draw string 0.99 0.15 Fuente: Modelo GFS 0.5 grados' 
> 'draw string 0.99 0.005 CCA/GM/DGOA/MARN' 
> 'printim /home/arw/trabajo/grads_temp/meteograma_msss.png png white 
> x1920 y2568' 
> Thanks! 
> jn 3:16 
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