[gradsusr] GEOS-5 data

Kevin Levey klevey at customweather.com
Mon Apr 3 11:24:38 EDT 2017

Change your URL to https:

https://opendap.nccs.nasa.gov/dods/GEOS-5/fp/0.25_deg/fcast/inst1_2d_hwl_Nx/ <https://opendap.nccs.nasa.gov/dods/GEOS-5/fp/0.25_deg/fcast/inst1_2d_hwl_Nx/>

I am able to see the folder information and assume you should be able to download data. I've not tried. 


Kevin M Levey, PHD in Oceans and Atmospheric Sciences (University of Virginia)
Vice President of Operations
CustomWeather, Inc.
San Francisco, California, USA

Associate Professor,
San Francisco State University
San Francisco, California, USA

"Taking the World by Storm!"


cell: 415-794-0411
work: 415-777-3566
email: klevey at customweather.com <mailto:klevey at customweather.com>
email:klevey at sfsu.edu <mailto:klevey at sfsu.edu>

> On Apr 1, 2017, at 2:13 AM, AMS EmsiWx Bytča <emsiwx at pocasie-bytca.sk> wrote:
> Dear Grads users,
> my scripts for GEOS-5 data : 
> http://opendap.nccs.nasa.gov:9090/dods/GEOS-5/fp/0.25_deg/fcast/inst1_2d_hwl_Nx/
> don't work anymore, probably due to the secure conection used by Nasa's 
> dods server.
> Do you know a source of data in GRIB format, or any other way to get 
> GEOS-5 into Grads?
> Using OpenGrads 2.1.a2.oga.1 for Windows.
> Thank you for your time and help.
> Kindest regards,
> Marian
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