[gradsusr] How to output contour to a txt/dat file

Jennifer M Adams jadams21 at gmu.edu
Thu Sep 15 16:34:34 EDT 2016

Hi, Mike —
I’m glad you got what you need from the KML output. The lat/lon values for the contour line vertices are buried in the shape file, but you have to use ‘shpdump’ (a stand-alone utility that is built along with the shapfile library) to print them out.

On Sep 15, 2016, at 4:19 PM, Mike Fiorino - NOAA Federal <michael.fiorino at noaa.gov<mailto:michael.fiorino at noaa.gov>> wrote:

hi again -- 'set gxout kml' does the trick:

'set gxout kml'
'set kml -ln kmltest'
'set clevs 0'
'd temp'

the file kmltest.kml has the lon/lat/z (0) for each contour in <coordinates>
lon0,lat0,0 lon1,lat1,0 ...

thanks /R Mike

hi Jennifer -- I have a similar problem...  I can generate and display the shp file and the 'q shp' works as advertised, but what I really need are the actually lat(Y)/lon(X) of the vertices not just the bounds, e.g.,

37:  ArcM  parts=1  vertices=553  XBounds=0:360  YBounds=41.4058:74.4189  ZBounds=0:0  MBounds=5700:5700

tells me there are 553 vertices and that the lon bound is 0-360 and lat bound is 41.4-74.4.  do I have to use some GIS s/w to get the lat/lons? or is there a way to mod grads to output?

thanks!  best /R Mike

On 9/7/16 10:37 AM, Jennifer M Adams wrote:
GrADS can write out the shapefile for you. Use ‘set gxout shp’ and ‘set shp’ to control the output. Documentation is at http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/shapefiles.html.

‘set gxout shp'
‘set shp -line shptest'
’set clevs 0’
‘d temp'


On Sep 6, 2016, at 8:47 PM, Taixia <wutxcn at GMAIL.COM<mailto:wutxcn at GMAIL.COM>> wrote:

Thanks for your reply. Exactly.  I'd like get a *.shp file of the 0 contour's. It should be get the lat/lon of the contour's position first, and then using Arcgis software to generate the .shp file.

On Wednesday, September 7, 2016, Jennifer M Adams <jadams21 at gmu.edu<mailto:jadams21 at gmu.edu>> wrote:
> I guess I did not fully understand the question. You have drawn the 0-degree temperature contour; what exactly do you want to output to a text file? The lat/lon of the contour’s position? —Jennifer
> On Sep 3, 2016, at 7:19 PM, Taixia <wutxcn at GMAIL.COM<mailto:wutxcn at GMAIL.COM>> wrote:
> Hi Jennifer,
> Thanks a lot for your reply.
> Problem still exists,forgive a Grads beginner. The data I used is the NECP 5 years average air temperature, I'd like get the zero degree temperature line. After "set clevs 0", I got the contours graphic (see attachment). But I still cannot get the output file as your steps. Could you please have a look at the attachments and help?
> ---Tim
> On Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at 7:20 PM, Jennifer M Adams <jadams21 at gmu.edu<mailto:jadams21 at gmu.edu>> wrote:
>> After drawing a plot, you can check the contour levels used with ‘q shades’ or ‘q contours’. For line contours, the output looks like this (first column is color number, second column is contour value):
>> Number of levels = 11
>> 9 50000
>> 14 55000
>> 4 60000
>> 11 65000
>> 13 70000
>> 3 75000
>> 10 80000
>> 12 85000
>> 8 90000
>> 2 95000
>> 6 100000
>> If you want to write this to a file, here is a script fragment:
>> ‘q contours’
>> rc=write(“contourinfo.txt”,result)
>> rc=close(“contourinfo.txt”)
>> —Jennifer
>> On Sep 1, 2016, at 9:57 PM, Taixia <wutxcn at GMAIL.COM<mailto:wutxcn at GMAIL.COM>> wrote:
>> Anybody knows how to output the contour value (such as set clevs 0) to .txt or .dat file (not graphic)? Thanks.
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>> Jennifer Miletta Adams
>> Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)
>> George Mason University
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> Jennifer Miletta Adams
> Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)
> George Mason University
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Jennifer Miletta Adams
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)
George Mason University

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Jennifer Miletta Adams
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)
George Mason University

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