[gradsusr] Help to draw the Domain area in the plot

Lyndon Mark Olaguera olagueralyndonmark429 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 6 00:45:59 EDT 2016

Dear Muhammdhn,

Can you try top create a ctl file for your netcdf file?Use the
GrADSNcPrepare function in the bin directory.
Once you have created a ctl file, use 'open' instead of 'sdfopen'.

Regarding your code, if you are going to plot an area, the command should be
set lat  lat1 lat 2
set lon lon1 lon2

If my understanding is correct, set cint is only used for contour plots and
not for shaded plots unless you want to plot contour lines over the shaded

If you want to remove the plot outside the shapefile, you can use
'masking'. See this link.http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/mask.shtml

*Lyndon Mark P. Olaguera*
Department of Physics
Ateneo de Manila University

Regional Climate Systems Group
Manila Observatory

On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 12:38 PM, Muhammadhn Muhammadh Khalid <
kmmuhammadh at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm attaching herewith the plot created using GrADSNcPlot with your grate
> help. Despite the error I mention above is not solved I now want to create
> my outputs in Grids of 5 km only inside my shape file drawn area. Can you
> please help me to do it.
> On 6 September 2016 at 09:53, Muhammadhn Muhammadh Khalid <
> kmmuhammadh at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Lyndon
>> I have a new problem in setting gxout shaded. if i give this command for
>> the above file its saying error gxout shad. but my model gives a grads
>> plotting system called GrADSncPlot.
>> ./bin/GrADSNcPlot input/test_001_ICBC.1990060100.nc
>> ga-> q file
>> ga-> set gxout shaded
>> ga-> set mpdset hires
>> ga-> set cint 2
>> ga-> d ts
>> ga-> c
>> ga-> set lon 10
>> ga-> set lat 43
>> ga-> set t 1 last
>> ga-> d ts
>> These are the codes given in the manual to use it. When I set gxout to
>> shaded here im not getting the error message and its working fine. But
>> getting error message if I open in sdfopen and do this. What should be the
>> problem? I'll be grateful if you can help me.
>> On 31 August 2016 at 17:58, Muhammadhn Muhammadh Khalid <
>> kmmuhammadh at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Lyndon
>>> Its really a great help. Thanks a lot. I try and get back to you if I
>>> need any help.
>>> On 31 Aug 2016 09:15, "Lyndon Mark Olaguera" <
>>> olagueralyndonmark429 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Dear Muhammadhn,
>>>> As I suspected. The problem of the shapefile is the "PROJECTION". I
>>>> looked at the shapefile in QGIS and retransformed it to WGS84. I am
>>>> attaching the created files here.
>>>> This will be the script:
>>>> 'sdfopen test_001_SRF.2005050100.nc'
>>>> 'set display color white'
>>>> 'c'
>>>> 'set t 5'
>>>> 'set lat 6.8 7.55'
>>>> 'set lon 80.3 80.8'
>>>> 'd ts'
>>>> 'draw shp test3.shp'
>>>> 'printim catchment.png'
>>>> 'quit'
>>>> Also see the attached png file for the output image.
>>>> *Lyndon Mark P. Olaguera*
>>>> Department of Physics
>>>> Ateneo de Manila University
>>>> Regional Climate Systems Group
>>>> Manila Observatory
>>>> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 6:34 AM, Lyndon Mark Olaguera <
>>>> olagueralyndonmark429 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Dear Muhammadn,
>>>>> I think there is something wrong with your shapefile.
>>>>> I tried to use the shapefile from the link that I sent you before.
>>>>> http://www.diva-gis.org/datadown
>>>>> Use the *LKA_adm2.shp*
>>>>> And it's working.See the attached file.
>>>>> On Aug 30, 2016 2:38 AM, "Muhammadhn Muhammadh Khalid" <
>>>>> kmmuhammadh at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Lyndon,
>>>>>> Thank you for sharing that link. Found it very useful. The . shx file
>>>>>> is attached. But now I couldn't see anything drawn after giving the command
>>>>>> to draw shapefile.
>>>>>> On 29 August 2016 at 12:44, Lyndon Mark Olaguera <
>>>>>> olagueralyndonmark429 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Correction *.shx
>>>>>>> On Aug 29, 2016 3:11 PM, "Lyndon Mark Olaguera" <
>>>>>>> olagueralyndonmark429 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Dear Muhammad in,
>>>>>>>> I forgot to tell you that the file with extension *.she is
>>>>>>>> needed.Can you send it? See this link for the required files h
>>>>>>>> ttp://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/shapefiles.html
>>>>>>>> On Aug 29, 2016 3:42 AM, "Muhammadhn Muhammadh Khalid" <
>>>>>>>> kmmuhammadh at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Lyndon,
>>>>>>>>> You are really very much helpful. Thanks a lot. I have attached
>>>>>>>>> those files.
>>>>>>>>> On 28 August 2016 at 11:21, Lyndon Mark Olaguera <
>>>>>>>>> olagueralyndonmark429 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Muhammad,
>>>>>>>>>> I also need the attribute files to test if your shapefile is
>>>>>>>>>> working. These are the files with *.prj, *.dbf . These files are created
>>>>>>>>>> together with the .shp.
>>>>>>>>>> On Aug 28, 2016 5:59 AM, "Muhammadhn Muhammadh Khalid" <
>>>>>>>>>> kmmuhammadh at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>>>>>> I created my shape file using ArcGIS and when I was trying to
>>>>>>>>>>> open it as you said I'm getting error message. It says my shape file can't
>>>>>>>>>>> e opened.
>>>>>>>>>>> I have attached my shape file.
>>>>>>>>>>> On 22 August 2016 at 16:18, Lyndon Mark Olaguera <
>>>>>>>>>>> olagueralyndonmark429 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Muhammadhn,
>>>>>>>>>>>> One solution to your problem is to use shape files. I
>>>>>>>>>>>> downloaded the shapefile of sri lanka from this site (administrative
>>>>>>>>>>>> boundaries).
>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.diva-gis.org/datadown
>>>>>>>>>>>> Use the *LKA_adm2.shp*
>>>>>>>>>>>> So your commands would be
>>>>>>>>>>>> sdfopen test_001_SRF.2005050100.nc
>>>>>>>>>>>> set lat 7.28 7.8
>>>>>>>>>>>> set lon 80 81
>>>>>>>>>>>> set mpdraw off
>>>>>>>>>>>> d ts
>>>>>>>>>>>> draw shp LKA_adm2.shp
>>>>>>>>>>>> One problem is that you only want the outline of a specific
>>>>>>>>>>>> area. So I suggest that you edit the shapefiles.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Crop the area that you want!. I am using QGIS to do this. See
>>>>>>>>>>>> the following tutorial:
>>>>>>>>>>>> http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/37226/how-to-crop-sha
>>>>>>>>>>>> pefiles-in-qgis
>>>>>>>>>>>> Once you cropped the shapefile, you can use the same commands
>>>>>>>>>>>> above to upload the shape file.
>>>>>>>>>>>> *Lyndon Mark P. Olaguera*
>>>>>>>>>>>> Department of Physics
>>>>>>>>>>>> Ateneo de Manila University
>>>>>>>>>>>> Regional Climate Systems Group
>>>>>>>>>>>> Manila Observatory
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 6:14 PM, Muhammadhn Muhammadh Khalid <
>>>>>>>>>>>> kmmuhammadh at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm using netcdf file. I have attached it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I want to draw the area shown in red color, in the attached
>>>>>>>>>>>>> picture, named Domain area, in the following image, similar to the the area
>>>>>>>>>>>>> drawn in the picture named example. I mean only the out line of that area.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  image.png
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5uOgEO-8RyyeFYyZWZqRFk0cDZFLVI2M0ktVDN2cjZta3FJ/view?usp=drive_web>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 22 August 2016 at 14:49, Lyndon Mark Olaguera <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> olagueralyndonmark429 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Muhammadhn,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What type of file are you plotting? Is it a netcdf file or a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ctl file?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you attach it here?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you also resend the image?I cant see it in the email.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Lyndon Mark P. Olaguera*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Department of Physics
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ateneo de Manila University
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regional Climate Systems Group
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Manila Observatory
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 5:14 PM, Muhammadhn Muhammadh Khalid
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <kmmuhammadh at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What I need exactly is using the command draw map. I want to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> draw my map on the plot. Can I get any help on how to do it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 20 August 2016 at 20:03, Jennifer M Adams <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jadams21 at gmu.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In the Users Guide (http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gad
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> oc/users.html), have a look at the section on Dimension
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Environment:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/dimenv.html
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> —Jennifer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Aug 20, 2016, at 4:48 AM, Muhammadhn Muhammadh Khalid <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kmmuhammadh at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Andrew
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> First thing I need is drawing my domain area in that plot.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you please say me how to do it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 15 August 2016 at 23:32, Andrew Friedman <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> andfried at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Muhammadh,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To plot only over land areas you can use the GrADS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> function ‘maskout’, along with a variable for the land-ocean mask:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradfuncmaskout.html
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Andrew
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > On Aug 15, 2016, at 7:18 PM, Muhammadhn Muhammadh Khalid
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <kmmuhammadh at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Hi everyone,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > I'm using GrADS Version 2.0.1.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > I have plotted the precipitation in shaded plot over an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> area. Following diagram is my plot.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > <image.png>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Now I want my study area to be drawn and want my shaded
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> plot to appear only inside that area as shown in the following diagram,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which I found in a journal.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > <image.png>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Any help toward doing this task is highly appreciated
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and looking forward to hear from you soon.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Muhammadh M Khalid
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Muhammadh M Khalid
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jennifer Miletta Adams
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> George Mason University
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Muhammadh M Khalid
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>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Muhammadh M Khalid
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>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> Muhammadh M Khalid
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>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>> Muhammadh M Khalid
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>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Muhammadh M Khalid
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>>>>>> gradsusr at gradsusr.org
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>> --
>> Regards,
>> Muhammadh M Khalid
> --
> Regards,
> Muhammadh M Khalid
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