[gradsusr] CTL forecast in CMC1 model

Jennifer M Adams jadams21 at gmu.edu
Thu Oct 27 16:54:43 EDT 2016

Perhaps these will help — they point to the same URL from IRI’s data server, but describe two different ensemble foreasts. The first is initialized January 2012, the second is initialized in February 2012. The only difference is in the variable declaration (where integers are used instead of letters to specify which array index to use for that coordinate). It might make more sense if you do an ncdump on the URL and examine the metadata.

> cat 201201/sst_CMC1-CanCM3.ctl
dset http://iridl.ldeo.columbia.edu/SOURCES/.Models/.NMME/.CMC1-CanCM3/.FORECAST/.MONTHLY/.sst/dods
title NMME Monthly Hindcasts; CMC1-CanCM3 Sea Surface Temperature Initialized 00Z01JAN2012
dtype netcdf
undef 9.999e+20
xdef 360 linear 0 1
ydef 181 linear -90 1
zdef 1 linear 0 1
tdef 12 linear 00Z01JAN2012 1mo
edef 10 names 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
vars 1
sst 0 1,e,t,y,x Sea Surface Temperature [C]

> cat 201202/sst_CMC1-CanCM3.ctl
dset http://iridl.ldeo.columbia.edu/SOURCES/.Models/.NMME/.CMC1-CanCM3/.FORECAST/.MONTHLY/.sst/dods
title NMME Monthly Hindcasts; CMC1-CanCM3 Sea Surface Temperature Initialized 00Z01FEB2012
dtype netcdf
undef 9.999e+20
xdef 360 linear 0 1
ydef 181 linear -90 1
zdef 1 linear 0 1
tdef 12 linear 00Z01FEB2012 1mo
edef 10 names 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
vars 1
sst 0 2,e,t,y,x Sea Surface Temperature [C]

On Oct 27, 2016, at 4:33 PM, Carlos Enciso Ojeda <20071058 at lamolina.edu.pe<mailto:20071058 at lamolina.edu.pe>> wrote:

Hi everybody

I have a set of data from the IRI database, for a period of 12 months. Each data has 10 members and 12 leads, so I need your help in order to create the CTL.

I'd appreciate any help that you can give me for this topic.

Thanks so much!
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Jennifer Miletta Adams
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)
George Mason University

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