[gradsusr] Hello everyone, Question about grib files

AMS EmsiWx Bytča emsiwx at pocasie-bytca.sk
Tue Oct 4 17:10:45 EDT 2016


to download GRIB files from GFS , I have created a Windows application, 
just download from the link, and unzip.

With the program, you can select the model run time,date, forecast 
length, forecast step, levels, parameters to download. You can even 
specify your area to make grib files smaller for download.

You can also use it to create control (.ctl) and index (.idx) files 
which you need to work with gribs in Grads.

If you dont like the programm, it also allows you to create the batch 
(.bat) file, which can be used to download files automatically, based on 
your settings.

After you have the ctl and idx files, just use : 'open 
nameofthefile.ctl' in your Grads script.

The link for the programm is: 

Would you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Kindest regards,


NWP model programming and processing

P.S.: You need to have Active Perl for Windows installed, to be able to 
create control file.

Dňa 4. 10. 2016 o 19:06 avi kojokro napísal(a):
> I want to download grib data ofGFS 0.25 for useing it in The software 
> Grads on
> Windows.
> I found this site to download theGrib files , I downloaded one file 
> andit looks like that......
> This is The site:
> http://nomads.ncep.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/filter_gfs_0p25.pl
> Here is the file Name:
> gfs.t06z.pgrb2.0p25.anl
> Now how do I open this file, so I can use it in Grads?
> Avi.
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