[gradsusr] Error opening IFREMER NETCDF file

J43 webmaster at meteorologic.net
Tue Mar 29 09:44:13 EDT 2016


Projection of netcdf Ifremer has singular, try vonert netvdf to grib 
file cdo and reproj grib file with over projection

Best regards,

Le 29/03/2016 15:03, Morwakoma Matabane a écrit :
> Encountered error attempting to open the IFREMER wave netcdf file.
> ga-> sdfopen 
> GW_L2P_ALT_JAS2_NRT_20160317_005948_20160317_031231_283_225.nc
> Scanning self-describing file: 
> GW_L2P_ALT_JAS2_NRT_20160317_005948_20160317_031231_283_225.nc
> gadsdf: SDF file has no discernable X coordinate.
> The ncdump –h output:
> netcdf GW_L2P_ALT_CRYO_GDR_20160113_063059_20160113_071210_075_273 {
> dimensions:
>           time = 2366 ;
> variables:
>           double time(time) ;
>                    time:_FillValue = 0. ;
>                    time:long_name = "time (seconds since 1985-01-01)" ;
>                    time:standard_name = "time" ;
>                    time:units = "seconds since 1985-01-01 00:00:00.0" ;
>                    time:calendar = "gregorian" ;
>           double lat(time) ;
>                    lat:_FillValue = 0. ;
>                    lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
>                    lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
>                    lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
>                    lat:comment = "Positive latitude is North latitude, 
> negative latitude is South latitude" ;
>           double lon(time) ;
>                    lon:_FillValue = 0. ;
>                    lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
>                    lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
>                    lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
>                    lon:comment = "East longitude relative to Greenwich 
> meridian" ;
>           short swh(time) ;
>                    swh:_FillValue = 32767s ;
>                    swh:long_name = "Ku band corrected significant 
> waveheight" ;
>                    swh:standard_name = 
> "sea_surface_wave_significant_height" ;
>                    swh:units = "m" ;
>                    swh:quality_flag = "swh_quality" ;
>                    swh:scale_factor = 0.001 ;
>                    swh:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
>                    swh:comment = "All instrumental corrections 
> included. Uncalibrated" ;
>           short swh_calibrated(time) ;
>                    swh_calibrated:_FillValue = 32767s ;
>                    swh_calibrated:long_name = "Ku band calibrated 
> significant waveheight" ;
>                    swh_calibrated:standard_name = 
> "sea_surface_wave_significant_height" ;
>                    swh_calibrated:units = "m" ;
>                    swh_calibrated:calibration_formula = "1.0058*swh + 
> -0.1057" ;
>                    swh_calibrated:calibration_reference = "Queffeulou 
> P & Croize-Fillon D, June 2009, Global altimeter SWH data set, IFREMER" ;
>                    swh_calibrated:quality_flag = "swh_quality" ;
>                    swh_calibrated:scale_factor = 0.001 ;
>                    swh_calibrated:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
>                    swh_calibrated:comment = "All instrumental 
> corrections included. Calibrated" ;
>           byte swh_quality(time) ;
>                    swh_quality:_FillValue = 127b ;
>                    swh_quality:long_name = "quality of Ku band 
> significant waveheight measurement" ;
>                    swh_quality:flag_values = 0b, 1b, 2b ;
>                    swh_quality:flag_meanings = "good_measurement 
> acceptable_for_some_applications bad_measurement" ;
>           short swh_standard_error(time) ;
>                    swh_standard_error:_FillValue = 32767s ;
>                    swh_standard_error:long_name = "best estimate of 
> significant waveheight standard error" ;
>                    swh_standard_error:units = "m" ;
>                    swh_standard_error:source = "GlobWave Wave Data 
> Quality Report" ;
>                    swh_standard_error:scale_factor = 0.001 ;
>                    swh_standard_error:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
>                    swh_standard_error:comment = "Standard error 
> calculated from buoy colocations, see GlobWave Product User Guide" ;
>           short sigma0(time) ;
>                    sigma0:_FillValue = 32767s ;
>                    sigma0:long_name = "Ku band corrected backscatter 
> coefficient" ;
>                    sigma0:units = "dB" ;
>                    sigma0:quality_flag = "sigma0_quality" ;
>                    sigma0:scale_factor = 0.01 ;
>                    sigma0:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
>                    sigma0:comment = "All instrumental corrections 
> included. Uncalibrated" ;
>           short sigma0_calibrated(time) ;
>                    sigma0_calibrated:_FillValue = 32767s ;
>                    sigma0_calibrated:long_name = "Ku band calibrated 
> backscatter coefficient" ;
>                    sigma0_calibrated:units = "dB" ;
>                    sigma0_calibrated:calibration_formula = "N/A" ;
>                    sigma0_calibrated:calibration_reference = "N/A" ;
>                    sigma0_calibrated:quality_flag = "sigma0_quality" ;
>                    sigma0_calibrated:scale_factor = 0.01 ;
>                    sigma0_calibrated:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
>                    sigma0_calibrated:comment = "All instrumental 
> corrections included. Calibrated" ;
>           byte sigma0_quality(time) ;
>                    sigma0_quality:_FillValue = 127b ;
>                    sigma0_quality:long_name = "quality of Ku band 
> backscatter coefficient" ;
>                    sigma0_quality:flag_values = 0b, 1b, 2b ;
>                    sigma0_quality:flag_meanings = "good_measurement 
> acceptable_for_some_applications bad_measurement" ;
>           short wind_speed_alt(time) ;
>                    wind_speed_alt:_FillValue = 32767s ;
>                    wind_speed_alt:long_name = "altimeter wind speed" ;
>                    wind_speed_alt:standard_name = "wind_speed" ;
>                    wind_speed_alt:units = "m s-1" ;
>                    wind_speed_alt:scale_factor = 0.01 ;
>                    wind_speed_alt:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
>           short wind_speed_alt_calibrated(time) ;
>                    wind_speed_alt_calibrated:_FillValue = 32767s ;
>                    wind_speed_alt_calibrated:long_name = "calibrated 
> altimeter wind speed" ;
>                    wind_speed_alt_calibrated:standard_name = 
> "wind_speed" ;
>                    wind_speed_alt_calibrated:units = "m s-1" ;
> wind_speed_alt_calibrated:calibration_formula = "N/A" ;
> wind_speed_alt_calibrated:calibration_reference = "N/A" ;
>                    wind_speed_alt_calibrated:scale_factor = 0.01 ;
>                    wind_speed_alt_calibrated:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
>           short wind_speed_model_u(time) ;
>                    wind_speed_model_u:_FillValue = 32767s ;
>                    wind_speed_model_u:long_name = "U component of the 
> model wind vector" ;
>                    wind_speed_model_u:standard_name = "wind_speed" ;
>                    wind_speed_model_u:units = "m s-1" ;
>                    wind_speed_model_u:source = "atmospheric model" ;
>                    wind_speed_model_u:institution = "ECMWF" ;
>                    wind_speed_model_u:scale_factor = 0.01 ;
>                    wind_speed_model_u:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
>           short wind_speed_model_v(time) ;
>                    wind_speed_model_v:_FillValue = 32767s ;
>                    wind_speed_model_v:long_name = "V component of the 
> model wind vector" ;
>                    wind_speed_model_v:standard_name = "wind_speed" ;
>                    wind_speed_model_v:units = "m s-1" ;
>                    wind_speed_model_v:source = "atmospheric model" ;
>                    wind_speed_model_v:institution = "ECMWF" ;
>                    wind_speed_model_v:scale_factor = 0.01 ;
>                    wind_speed_model_v:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
>           int rejection_flags(time) ;
>                    rejection_flags:_FillValue = 2147483647 ;
>                    rejection_flags:long_name = "consolidated 
> instrument and ice flags" ;
>                    rejection_flags:flag_masks = 1, 2048, 4096, 8192, 
> 16384, 32768, 65536, 262144, 524288, 1048576, 8388608, 16777216, 
> 33554432, 67108864, 134217728, 1073741824, -2147483648 ;
>                    rejection_flags:flag_meanings = "flag_rejection 
> ice_flag quality_of_off_nadir_from_platform 
> quality_of_off_nadir_from_waveform quality_of_C_band_sigma0 
> quality_of_orbit quality_of_C_band_swh quality_of_Ku_band_sigma0 
> quality_of_Ku_band_swh quality_of_range_estimate 
> corruption_of_radiometer_measurement 
> corruption_of_altimeter_measurement radiometer_land_flag 
> altimeter_ocean_flag altimeter_land_flag attitude_status 
> hardware_status" ;
>           short swh_rms(time) ;
>                    swh_rms:_FillValue = 32767s ;
>                    swh_rms:long_name = "RMS of the Ku band significant 
> waveheight" ;
>                    swh_rms:units = "m" ;
>                    swh_rms:scale_factor = 0.001 ;
>                    swh_rms:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
>           byte swh_num_valid(time) ;
>                    swh_num_valid:_FillValue = 127b ;
>                    swh_num_valid:long_name = "number of valid points 
> used to compute Ku band significant waveheight" ;
>                    swh_num_valid:units = "count" ;
>                    swh_num_valid:valid_min = 0b ;
>                    swh_num_valid:valid_max = 10b ;
>                    swh_num_valid:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
>           short sigma0_rms(time) ;
>                    sigma0_rms:_FillValue = 32767s ;
>                    sigma0_rms:long_name = "RMS of the Ku band 
> backscatter coefficient" ;
>                    sigma0_rms:units = "dB" ;
>                    sigma0_rms:scale_factor = 0.01 ;
>                    sigma0_rms:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
>           short off_nadir_angle_pf(time) ;
>                    off_nadir_angle_pf:_FillValue = 32767s ;
>                    off_nadir_angle_pf:long_name = "square of the off 
> nadir angle computed from platform data" ;
>                    off_nadir_angle_pf:units = "degree2" ;
>                    off_nadir_angle_pf:scale_factor = 0.0001 ;
>                    off_nadir_angle_pf:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
>                    off_nadir_angle_pf:add_offset = 0.0161 ;
>           short range_rms(time) ;
>                    range_rms:_FillValue = 32767s ;
>                    range_rms:long_name = "RMS of the Ku band range" ;
>                    range_rms:units = "m" ;
>                    range_rms:scale_factor = 0.0001 ;
>                    range_rms:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
>           short bathymetry(time) ;
>                    bathymetry:_FillValue = 32767s ;
>                    bathymetry:long_name = "ocean depth" ;
>                    bathymetry:units = "m" ;
>                    bathymetry:source = "GEBCO/30s" ;
>                    bathymetry:institution = "IOC/IHO/GSFC" ;
>                    bathymetry:scale_factor = 1. ;
>                    bathymetry:add_offset = 0 ;
>                    bathymetry:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
>           short distance_to_coast(time) ;
>                    distance_to_coast:_FillValue = 32767s ;
>                    distance_to_coast:long_name = "distance to nearest 
> coast" ;
>                    distance_to_coast:units = "km" ;
>                    distance_to_coast:source = "GEBCO/1min" ;
>                    distance_to_coast:institution = "IOC/IHO/GSFC" ;
>                    distance_to_coast:scale_factor = 1. ;
>                    distance_to_coast:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
>           short sea_surface_temperature(time) ;
>                    sea_surface_temperature:_FillValue = 32767s ;
>                    sea_surface_temperature:long_name = "sea surface 
> temperature" ;
>                    sea_surface_temperature:standard_name = 
> "sea_surface_temperature" ;
>                    sea_surface_temperature:units = "K" ;
>                    sea_surface_temperature:source = "atmospheric model" ;
>                    sea_surface_temperature:institution = "ECMWF" ;
>                    sea_surface_temperature:scale_factor = 0.01 ;
>                    sea_surface_temperature:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
>           short surface_air_temperature(time) ;
>                    surface_air_temperature:_FillValue = 32767s ;
>                    surface_air_temperature:long_name = "surface air 
> temperature" ;
>                    surface_air_temperature:units = "K" ;
>                    surface_air_temperature:source = "atmospheric model" ;
>                    surface_air_temperature:institution = "ECMWF" ;
>                    surface_air_temperature:scale_factor = 0.01 ;
>                    surface_air_temperature:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
>           short surface_air_pressure(time) ;
>                    surface_air_pressure:_FillValue = 32767s ;
>                    surface_air_pressure:long_name = "surface air 
> pressure" ;
>                    surface_air_pressure:standard_name = 
> "air_pressure_at_sea_level" ;
>                    surface_air_pressure:units = "Pa" ;
>                    surface_air_pressure:source = "atmospheric model" ;
>                    surface_air_pressure:institution = "ECMWF" ;
>                    surface_air_pressure:scale_factor = 1. ;
>                    surface_air_pressure:add_offset = 75000 ;
>                    surface_air_pressure:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
> // global attributes:
>                    :Conventions = "CF-1.4" ;
>                    :title = "GlobWave L2P derived from CRYOSAT IGDR 
> Product" ;
>                    :source = "radar altimeter" ;
>                    :project = "ESA GlobWave" ;
>                    :institution = "GlobWave" ;
>                    :history = "2016-01-25T14:05:12 UTC : Creation;\n",
>                              "2016-01-26T14:41:03 UTC : ECMWF data 
> added" ;
>                    :contact = "SatOC e.ash at satoc.eu 
> <mailto:e.ash at satoc.eu>" ;
>                    :references = "GlobWave Product User Guide" ;
>                    :processing_center = "Ifremer" ;
>                    :software_version = "SatOC GlobWave Cryosat IGDR to 
> L2P Processor 1.3" ;
>                    :source_provider = "NOAA" ;
>                    :mission_name = "CRYOSAT2" ;
>                    :source_name = "c2p0273c075.nc" ;
>                    :source_version = "N/A" ;
>                    :source_software = "N/A" ;
>                    :altimeter_sensor_name = "N/A" ;
>                    :radiometer_sensor_name = "N/A" ;
>                    :acq_station_name = "N/A" ;
>                    :cycle_number = "075" ;
>                    :pass_number = "273" ;
>                    :equator_crossing_time = 
> "2016-01-13T06:55:46.944131 UTC" ;
>                    :equator_crossing_longitude = 220.276208 ;
>                    :start_date = "2016-01-13T06:30:59.123262 UTC" ;
>                    :stop_date = "2016-01-13T07:12:10.458630 UTC" ;
> }
> Help appreciated.
> Regards
> Morwakoma
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Morwakoma M Matabane ( Research Scientist )
> South African Weather Service 442 Rigel Avenue South Erasmusrand 
> Pretoria 0181
> Cell: _+27-79-755-3342_Tel: _+27-12-367-6234_Fax: _+27-12-367-6189_
> E-mail: _morwakoma.matabane at weathersa.co.za 
> <mailto:morwakoma.matabane at weathersa.co.za>_ Website: 
> _www.weathersa.co.za <http://www.weathersa.co.za/>___
> //
> /“Climate Knowledge for Climate Action”/
> /"Big whorls have little whorls that feed on their velocity, and 
> little whorls have lesser whorls and so on to viscosity", Lewis F 
> Richardson./
> /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/
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