[gradsusr] (no subject)

Gargi Akhoury gargiakhoury at bitmesra.ac.in
Wed Mar 16 14:07:16 EDT 2016

     I have one problem regarding correlation. I want to plot correlation
between two variables precipitation and temperature. The script is written

"sdfopen t1000.nc"
'set poli on'
'set lon 40 170'
'set lat 0 45'
"set t 1 420"
"define jant=aave(temp-273.15,lon=40,lon=170,lat=0,lat=45)"
*"modify avesst seasonal"
*"set t 1 432"
*"define sstanom=sst1-avesst"

*"define nino4=aave(sstanom,lon=-150,lon=160,lat=-5,lat=5)"
"close 1"

"sdfopen precip.mon.mean.nc"
*"set lon 0 360"
*"set lat -90 90"
"set t 1 420"
"define janp=aave(precip,lon=40,lon=170,lat=0,lat=45)"
"d scorr(jant,janp,lon=40,lon=170,lat=0,lat=45)"
*"gxprint tcorr.png x1024 y768"

But I am getting error. Kindly help me regarding this.

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