[gradsusr] how can i read GRIB2 files by FORTRAN script (or any lang.) for example read fields from " gfs.t00z.pgrb2full.0p50.f012 "

Jeff Duda jeffduda319 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 2 12:46:28 EST 2016

Look into wgrib2 or wgrib if you can't get wgrib2. You would need to use
the Linux script convgrb (might be cnvgrib...i forget the name sometimes)
if you can't get wgrib2, though.

See also http://www.ftp.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/wd51we/wgrib/tricks.wgrib

Jeff Duda

On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 2:05 AM, AliReza Balalan Fard <fard792 at gmail.com>

> Hey guys, is there any way to
> ​read GRIB2 Fields by name "gfs.t00z.pgrb2full.0p50.f012
> <ftp://ftp.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/gfs.2016030200/gfs.t00z.pgrb2full.0p50.f012>
> "​
> ​​
> ​ in ftp://ftp.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/​
> ​for example TMP
> <ftp://ftp.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/gfs.2016030200/gfs.t00z.pgrb2full.0p50.f012>​
> , RH , UGRD , VGRD , HGT in any level for example 1000mb and 500mb
> in each lat , lon and heights ?
> i want to detemine  1-lat , 2-lon  , 3-level , [Parameter such as temp]
> only by script in Fortran or C or any programming language (not in GrADS
> or other Plotter)
> Thanks in advance
> ​​
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Jeff Duda
Graduate research assistant
University of Oklahoma School of Meteorology
Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms
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