[gradsusr] gribmap error with WRF output

Jeff Duda jeffduda319 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 29 12:16:37 EDT 2016

Nothing in the namelist stands out as being the cause of the problem. I'll
offer what I can, but I think you may need to ask wrfhelp about this.

First, how do you control which fields are spat out into the grib files? I
only see a dozen or so in your control file, but there are probably well
over 100 in the history file.

Second, why do you have "dtype grib 0" in your control file? What is the
meaning of the 0? Did you try to take it out?

Finally, what argument flags did you use when running gribmap? I use -e and
-i. If you didn't add -e or -E, give each a try and see if they work.

Again, if none of these work, ask wrfhelp.

Good luck.


On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 4:34 AM, Chris Steele <
Chris.Steele at weatherquest.co.uk> wrote:

> Thanks Jeff,
> I started off using the UPP, but I wanted to see if I can reduce my run
> times and post processing by outputting grib directly. My simulations are
> using 35 vertical levels but I output both height and pressure levels for
> specific fields in different output streams which I think is why it appears
> that I’m only using 7 in the control file. I’ve attached my namelist for
> you to have a look at. Hopefully, the answer will be apparent from there.
> Chris
> *From:* gradsusr-bounces at gradsusr.org [mailto:
> gradsusr-bounces at gradsusr.org] *On Behalf Of *Jeff Duda
> *Sent:* 28 July 2016 16:48
> *To:* GrADS Users Forum <gradsusr at gradsusr.org>
> *Subject:* Re: [gradsusr] gribmap error with WRF output
> Chris,
> I'm not familiar with using the WRF software package to directly take
> output from the native eta levels to isobaric surfaces without using some
> sort of post-processing. For the longest time I used either ARWpost (now
> deprecated) or the Unified Post Processor (still supported) to interpolate
> raw output to isobaric surfaces. Therefore, I cannot directly explain to
> you why your error might be occurring. It might help if you showed us your
> namelist, specifically the entries that control outputting in grib format.
> Right off the bat, however, i suspect at least part of the problem is the
> fact that you have only 7 levels of output, and you probably used more than
> 7 for your nz in your model run, so there could be a mismatch going on.
> If we can't figure this out from the namelist, I would suggest asking
> wrfhelp about it. If that doesn't pan out, I would try the UPP. If that
> still doesn't work, I have some Fortran code that will write out control
> files for your raw output.
> Jeff Duda
> On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 10:30 AM, Chris Steele <
> Chris.Steele at weatherquest.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I’m trying to display WRF data in grads but I’m hitting problems with the
> use of gribmap. The data are output directly by WRF in grib format, rather
> than through any netcdf conversion. Grib2ctl appears to work fine and gives
> no errors but one of my variables appears on the same line as another in
> the control file initially, so I have to move it.
> Whenever I try and run gribmap I receive the message “gribmap error: GRIB
> header not found in scanning between records try increasing the value of
> the –s argument” I have tried increasing the value of s but to no avail.
> The data can be read in fine with wgrib. Does anyone know how to fix this
> issue?
> My ctl file is shown below:
> dset ^plevs_12km_06z
> index ^plevs_12km_06z.idx
> undef 9.999E+20
> title plevs_12km_06z
> *  produced by grib2ctl v0.9.13
> * command line options: plevs_12km_06z
> dtype grib 0
> pdef 165 174 lccr 43.379000 -16.586000 1 1 60.000000 0.000000 0.000000
> 12000 12000
> xdef 165 linear -16.586000 0.150092100621267
> ydef 174 linear 43.379000 0.109090909090909
> tdef 1 linear 06Z28jul2016 1mo
> *  z has 7 levels, for prs
> zdef 7 levels
> 1000 950 900 850 700 500 300
> vars 10
> DPTprs 7 17,100,0 ** (profile)
> ELONsfc  0 177,1,0  ** surface
> HGTprs 7 7,100,0 ** (profile)
> MIXRprs 7 53,100,0 ** (profile)
> NLATsfc  0 176,1,0  ** surface
> PRESprs 7 1,100,0 ** (profile)
> RHprs 7 52,100,0 ** (profile)
> TMPprs 7 11,100,0 ** (profile)
> UGRDprs 7 33,100,0 ** (profile)
> VGRDprs 7 34,100,0 ** (profile)
> Regards
> Chris
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> Jeff Duda
> Post-doctoral research associate
> University of Oklahoma School of Meteorology
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Jeff Duda
Post-doctoral research associate
University of Oklahoma School of Meteorology
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