[gradsusr] Merging files with CDO

Justin Hicks jhicks2014 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 14 15:32:48 EDT 2016


I am trying to use CDO to merge two netcdf MERRA2 files from different


Both have monthly time-steps but different tdefs as you can see by the
range of years.

I've tried using these commands so far:

cdo cat *file1 file2* *Output*
cdo merge *file1 file2 Output*
cdo mergetime *file1 file2 Output*

I get an error each time that says:
Open failed on >MERRA2_Monthly_1980-1991_Flx_1Deg_EvapFromTurbulence.nc<
Unsupported file type

I'm not too sure why this file is 'unsupported' when the two MERRA2 files
are both netcdf.

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