[gradsusr] display error in grads

Jennifer M Adams jadams21 at gmu.edu
Fri Jul 8 14:52:51 EDT 2016

Hello, Miles —
The error message and your expression don’t quite match — your code looks like you are trying to average height fields from 17 separate files, with the addition of files 18 and 19 commented out, but the expression in the error message looks like an average over 18 files.

In any event, the error message
 World coordinates convert to non-integer  grid coordinates
    Variable = hgtprs.18  Dimension = 3

means that the time stamp 00z30dec2014 does not resolve to an integer-valued T index for file #18. If you try this:
'set dfile 18'
'set time 00z30dec2014'

GrADS will set T to the nearest integer value to this time. Check the output from 'q dims’ to find out what the time string should for the dimension override in your long averaging expression.

On Jul 8, 2016, at 2:05 PM, Miles Bliss <mblis2 at u.brockport.edu<mailto:mblis2 at u.brockport.edu>> wrote:

This is the line of code i am trying to run.
'set lon -90 -70'
'set lat 35 45'

'set grads off'
'set gxout shaded'
'set lev 925'
'd (hgtprs+hgtprs.2(time=00z18jan2002)+hgtprs.3(time=00z11jan2003)+hgtprs.4(time=00z07dec2005)+hgtprs.5(time=00z04dec2007)+hgtprs.6(time=00z08feb2007)+hgtprs.7(time=00z29dec2009)+hgtprs.8(time=00z20feb2009)+hgtprs.9(time=00z07dec2010)+hgtprs.10(time=00z01feb2010)+hgtprs.11(time=00z16jan2011)+hgtprs.12(time=00z01jan2013)+hgtprs.13(time=00z12dec2013)+hgtprs.14(time=00z19nov2014)+hgtprs.15(time=00z06jan2014)+hgtprs.16(time=00z29jan2014)+hgtprs.17(time=00z06feb2014))/17'
'run cbar'

This is therror that i am getting despite having the correct file dates/times and all files working individually.

Data Request Warning:  Request is completely outside file limits
Data Request Warning:  Request is completely outside file limits
Data Request Error: Invalid grid coordinates
  World coordinates convert to non-integer  grid coordinates
    Variable = hgtprs.18  Dimension = 3
  Error ocurred at column 465
DISPLAY error:  Invalid expression
  Expression = (hgtprs+hgtprs.2(time=

-Miles Bliss
 SUNY Brockport '17
gradsusr mailing list
gradsusr at gradsusr.org<mailto:gradsusr at gradsusr.org>

Jennifer Miletta Adams
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)
George Mason University

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