[gradsusr] Cannot Locate Endwhile Statement Error
Justin Hicks
jhicks2014 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 6 12:56:45 EDT 2016
I commented out part of the script to find the issue, and it seems that the
lines ‘set gxout print' and
‘set prnopts %6.2f 1 1’ were suppressing the actual resulting data. I
removed these lines and it now works as it should!
Thank you for the help!
On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 3:34 PM, Jennifer M Adams <jadams21 at gmu.edu> wrote:
> On Jul 5, 2016, at 3:21 PM, Justin Hicks <jhicks2014 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Jennifer,
> I am still getting values of 0 in my text file (and on the terminal).
> Typing in a 'q dims' command gives LEV=0 Z=1 for the mask and LEV=0
> Z=0 for the GLDAS file. Could the inconsistency be the issue?
> Maybe. Try this:
> evap.2(z=1),mask.1(z=1,time=00Z01JAN1979)
> There aren't any errors displayed on the terminal. And just to note,
> taking out the while statement gives me monthly values on the terminal when
> the maskout function is in use, so I assume the issue is within the while
> statement.
> Put some more ‘say’ statements in there to make sure you’re parsing and
> pasting all the strings correctly.
> —Jennifer
> -Justin
> On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 2:47 PM, Jennifer M Adams <jadams21 at gmu.edu> wrote:
>> On Jul 5, 2016, at 1:51 PM, Justin Hicks <jhicks2014 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Jennifer,
>> How would I go about making the lat/lon values fixed? I know the aave
>> function needs 4 different lat/lon arguments. Would this just be 'd
>> ave(.......,lon=-179.5,lon=-179.5,lat=-89.5,lat=-89.5)’
>> Correct. These args provide the range for your average.
>> or 'd ave(.......,x=1,x=1,y=1,y=1)’?
>> No. This will give you an average over only one grid point.
>> The ‘set x 1’ and ’set y 1’ commands are there to restrict the dimension
>> environment to match the result that comes out of aave(), which does not
>> vary in X or Y. Those dimensions need to be fixed, and it doesn’t matter at
>> all what they are, it could just as easily be ‘set x 22’ and ‘set y 89’.
>> —Jennifer
>> -Justin
>> On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 12:25 PM, Jennifer M Adams <jadams21 at gmu.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi, Justin —
>>> Your dimension environment isn’t set properly. When using the aave()
>>> function, make sure the lat and lon dimensions are fixed — you’ve got them
>>> varying. Also, the LEV dimension value at z=1 may be different for your two
>>> data sets. Put in a 'say result’ statement after each display and it should
>>> print out more than just the warning message; it should show you what the
>>> dimensions are for the variables in your expression, and that should guide
>>> you as to where the mismatch is. I also think you can remove most of the
>>> code before the 'while’ statement:
>>> ‘open /data2/control/Region15_AFR_mask_TEST.nc'
>>> 'open /data2/control/GLDAS_VIC10_M.ctl'
>>> ‘set dfile 2’
>>> ‘set x 1’
>>> ‘set y 1’
>>> ‘set gxout print'
>>> ‘set prnopts %6.2f 1 1’
>>> nmonths=428
>>> i=1
>>> while (i<nmonths)
>>> ‘set t ‘i
>>> ...
>>> ‘d aave ….'
>>> say ‘t=’t’
>>> say result
>>> ….
>>> i=i+1
>>> endwhile
>>> —Jennifer
>>> On Jul 5, 2016, at 12:00 PM, Justin Hicks <jhicks2014 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> To those who responded,
>>> Thank you for the responses! Those seemed to do the trick. However,
>>> instead of the 'endwhile' error, I am now receiving this error:
>>> Data Request Warning: Request is completely outside file limits
>>> This error is repeated 9 times. The text file that is created also
>>> contains only one column with each value being 0.0.
>>> -Justin
>>> On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 11:38 AM, sushant puranik <
>>> sushantpuranik at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Along with the suggested changes simply press enter button once at
>>>> ending line of your script.
>>>> On 5 Jul 2016 8:45 pm, "Justin Hicks" <jhicks2014 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> GrADS users,
>>>>> I am running a script that should output values into a 2 column table.
>>>>> The first column will be the time (monthly in the form of 00Z01JAN1979) and
>>>>> the second column will be the value of the variable (evap) at that time.
>>>>> After running the code below, I receive an error saying "Unable to locate
>>>>> ENDWHILE statement for the WHILE statement at line 18."
>>>>> This is the script I'm running; everything before the while statement
>>>>> is setting up a mask (in this case, the mask only outputs values for
>>>>> Africa):
>>>>> 'reinit'
>>>>> 'open /data2/control/Region15_AFR_mask_TEST.nc'
>>>>> 'set t 1 last'
>>>>> 'set dfile 1'
>>>>> 'set lon -179.5 179.5'
>>>>> 'set lat -89.5 89.5'
>>>>> 'open /data2/control/GLDAS_VIC10_M.ctl'
>>>>> 'set dfile 2'
>>>>> 'set lon -179.5 179.5'
>>>>> 'set lat -89.5 89.5'
>>>>> 'set time 00Z01JAN1979 00Z01JAN2016'
>>>>> 'set dfile 1'
>>>>> 'd
>>>>> aave(maskout(evap.2,mask.1(time=00Z01JAN1979)),lon=-179.5,lon=179.5,lat=-89.5,lat=89.5)'
>>>>> 'set gxout print'
>>>>> 'set prnopts %6.2f 1 1'
>>>>> nmonths = 428
>>>>> i = 1
>>>>> while (i <= nmonths)
>>>>> 'set t 'i
>>>>> 'q time'
>>>>> rectime = sublin(result,5)
>>>>> recdate = subwrd(rectime,6)
>>>>> 'd
>>>>> aave(maskout(evap.2,mask.1(time=00Z01JAN1979)),lon=-179.5,lon=179.5,lat=-89.5,lat=89.5)'
>>>>> evap = sublin(result,2)
>>>>> evap = subwrd(evap,1)
>>>>> string = rectime' 'evap
>>>>> 'write('GLDAS_MASK_DATA.txt' , string ,append)'
>>>>> i = i + 1
>>>>> endwhile
>>>>> I'm not sure why GrADS is giving me this error.
>>>>> -Justin
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>>> --
>>> Jennifer Miletta Adams
>>> Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)
>>> George Mason University
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>> Jennifer Miletta Adams
>> Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)
>> George Mason University
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> Jennifer Miletta Adams
> Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)
> George Mason University
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