[gradsusr] Low level I/O error: read error on data file

walter harms wharms at bfs.de
Thu Feb 4 03:34:07 EST 2016

hi all,

IMHO, the most easy way would be to add a checksum file (md5,shaX,...)
so every can easily verify that the file is at least comparable to the

That should be easily done, maybe is already. Jennifer Adams should know.


Am 03.02.2016 19:45, schrieb Michael Mase:
> Same here. I generally have to normalize the data with another tool before
> using GrADS, unfortunately.
> On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 12:47 PM Mark Sponsler <msponsler at comcast.net> wrote:
>> Hi, I have a similar problem. I download data via a Dods server and
>> frequently get bad data. When doing a display on such data, grads
>> enunciates a low level error and crashes.
>> Is there a way to write some code to test for this situation prior to
>> doing a display?
>> On February 3, 2016 5:18:50 AM PST, Anna Lukianova <
>> romashe4ka04 at rambler.ru> wrote:
>>> Yes, I'd checked it. File readable in the all moments of time, except the last part (nearly 100 records).
>>> Unfortunately, google search didn't helps me.
>>> Anna Lukianova.

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