[gradsusr] Plotting Model grids instead of Grads standard grids

Ricardo Hallak ricardo.hallak at iag.usp.br
Fri Apr 22 12:51:22 EDT 2016

Hi, Davide! 

I think he wants to control x and y tick labels intervals. It is possible with 

"set xlint <new_interval>" 
"set xlint <new_interval>" 

before displaying fields. 

If it is not the case, so we do have to know if his xdef and ydef are regular lon and lat values, or something different. Maybe if Itesh could send a png file as an example, and a peace of his .ctl file, the question would be more clear. 

Hope this helps, 

----- Mensagem original -----

| I don't know if this answer is what you were looking for,
| to see exact grid you could use:
| 'set gxout grid'

| Davide

| From: itesh dash <itesh at rimes.int>
| To: GrADS Users Forum <gradsusr at gradsusr.org>
| Sent: 4/21/2016 8:07 AM
| Subject: [gradsusr] Plotting Model grids instead of Grads standard
| grids

| | Dear All,

| | I was trying to plot the exact grid info comming from a model (CTL
| | file xdef/ydef). Currently grads just puts the standard xlint and
| | ylint values.

| | Is there any way I can avoid the standard intervals.

| | Sorry if it is already discussed in the forum earlier.

| | Regards,
| | Itesh

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Prof. Ricardo Hallak 
Laboratório de Meteorologia de Mesoescala - LMM 
Departamento de Ciências Atmosféricas 
Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas 
Universidade de São Paulo 

Phone: +55(11)3091-4698 
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