[gradsusr] How to use template option for .nc file (there is no .ctl, file)

lpasmanoranjan lpasmanoranjan at gmail.com
Thu Apr 7 20:13:38 EDT 2016

Dear Hoop,
Thank you very much for providing a possible solution. I will go into it
and tell you.

I had tried a lot by changing script and writing descriptor file etc.. But
could not solve that. But I had thought to convert each .nc file to grads

I will come back here soon.

Thanks and kind regards,

On Friday 8 April 2016, Hoop <hoop at colorado.edu> wrote:

> I've not heard back from Mano, but an outside-of-GrADS solution
> has occurred to me, although I'm unsure of its practicality.  One
> could use the ncrcat command from the NetCDF operators (nco.sf.net)
> to combine the files into one for GrADS.
> -Hoop
> On 04/05/16 00:08, Hoop wrote:
>> Mano,
>> I'm not sure, but I think it might be the one time step in each file
>> thing.  If I recall correctly (and it hasn't changed), GrADS kind of
>> depends (at least, in the sdfopen case) on there being at least two
>> time steps in each file.  It reads (or read, at least) the first two
>> time steps in a file to learn what time step size is.  But, there's
>> hope, even it turns out I'm right about this point.
>> So, the sdfopent.gs script wrote a DDF (out.ddf, apparently).  We
>> just need to make sure the TDEF line in that file is correct.  Please
>> share that part of out.ddf, and I may need to suggest a modification
>> to it.  If that's the case, then you could just re-start GrADS after
>> modifying it, and then entering "xdfopen out.ddf" at the initial
>> GrADS prompt.
>> Thanks,
>> -Hoop
>> On 04/04/16 21:09, lpasmanoranjan wrote:
>>> Dear Hoop,
>>> Thank you so much for your prompt reply. I did a mistake when I copied
>>> to gmail. But the message was same.  ncdump gives the following
>>> ga-> !ncdump -h  /home/data/pre/1995/01/pre_1995_01_01_00.nc
>>> netcdf pre_1995_01_01_00.nc {
>>> dimensions:
>>>      LON = 3223 ;
>>>      LAT = 4943 ;
>>>      TIME = 1 ;
>>> variables:
>>>      double LON(LON) ;
>>>          LON:units = "degrees_east" ;
>>>          LON:long_name = "Longitude" ;
>>>      double LAT(LAT) ;
>>>          LAT:units = "degrees_north" ;
>>>          LAT:long_name = "Latitude" ;
>>>      double TIME(TIME) ;
>>>          TIME:units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0:00" ;
>>>          TIME:long_name = "Time" ;
>>>      short PRE(TIME, LAT, LON) ;
>>>          PRE:long_name = "60-minutes precipitation" ;
>>>          PRE:units = "1e-3 meter" ;
>>>          PRE:missing_value = -32768s ;
>>>          PRE:scale_factor = 0.01f ;
>>>          PRE:add_offset = 0.f ;
>>> On 5 April 2016 at 11:48, Hoop <hoop at colorado.edu> wrote:
>>>     Mano,
>>>     I'm confused.  Why does the path to your first file have a space
>>> inside
>>>     of it?  You have:
>>>     /home/data/pre/1995/01/ pre_1995_01_01.nc
>>>     Shouldn't it be:
>>>     /home/data/pre/1995/01/pre_1995_01_01.nc
>>>     If that doesn't solve it, please send the output from running
>>>     "ncdump -ht " on the first file.  If you are not familiar with
>>>     ncdump, it is part of the standard NetCDF suite from Unidata:
>>>     http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/
>>>     Thanks,
>>>     -Hoop
>>>     On 04/04/16 20:20, lpasmanoranjan wrote:
>>>         Dear Hoop,
>>>         Thank you very much for your reply. I tried it for 2 files after
>>>         saving
>>>         sdfopent.gs in my scripts directory. But
>>>         getting
>>>         the following error.
>>>         My data directory: /home/data/pre/1995/01/
>>>         Number of Times: 2 (pre_1995_01_01.nc and
>>>         pre_1995_01_02.nc)
>>>         (Kindly Note: each file has only one time data, so I changed the
>>>         deltahr
>>>         = 1 in the sdfopent.gs script at line 150)
>>>         Now I used the following command and got the subquent messages.
>>>         ga-> sdfopent /home/data/pre/1995/01/ pre_1995_01_01.nc
>>>         pre_1995_01_%h2.nc 2
>>>         Defaulting optional DDF arg to out.ddf
>>>         yr1=1995.
>>>         netCDFfile= /home/data/pre/1995/01/ pre_1995_01_01.nc
>>>         Template= pre_1995_01_%h2.nc
>>>         NumTimes= 2
>>>         Time1= 00Z01JAN1995
>>>         Tstep= 1hr
>>>         DDF= out.ddf
>>>         gadsdf: Time dimension time is not an SDF dimension.
>>>         SDF Descriptor file out.ddf was not successfully opened & parsed.
>>>         Scanning Descriptor File:  out.ddf
>>>         gadsdf: Time dimension time is not an SDF dimension.
>>>         SDF Descriptor file out.ddf was not successfully opened & parsed.
>>>         SET Error:  No files open yet
>>>         SET Error:  No files open yet
>>>         I must be doing some mistake, can anybody please help me to sort
>>>         this
>>>         problem. Thank you so much.
>>>         On 5 April 2016 at 02:23, Hoop <hoop at colorado.edu> wrote:
>>>              Mano,
>>>              The standard script library:
>>>         http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/library.html
>>>              includes the script sdfopent.gs.  It
>>>         takes two additional
>>>              arguments beyond the one for sdfopen.  The second argument
>>>              is a template, like "pre_%y4_%m2_%d2.nc",
>>>         and the
>>>              third is
>>>              a count of time steps in the entire series.  The first
>>> argument
>>>              would be the first path in the time series.  See:
>>>         ftp://cola.gmu.edu/grads/scripts/sdfopent.gs
>>>              -Hoop
>>>              On 04/04/16 10:00, gradsusr-request at gradsusr.org>
>>>         wrote:
>>>               > Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016 18:27:49 +0900
>>>               > From: lpasmanoranjan <lpasmanoranjan at gmail.com>
>>>               > Subject: [gradsusr] How to use template option for .nc
>>>         file (there is
>>>               >       no      .ctl file)
>>>               > To: GrADS Users Forum <gradsusr at gradsusr.org>
>>>               >
>>>               > Dear Users,
>>>               > I am having a problem in viewing the following dataset as
>>>              template option.
>>>               > I have hourly dataset in .nc as following:
>>>               >
>>>               > 1995/01/pre_1995_01_01.nc
>>>               > 1995/01/pre_1995_01_02.nc
>>>               > 1995/01/pre_1995_01_03.nc
>>>               > 1995/01/pre_1995_01_04.nc
>>>               > 1995/01/pre_1995_01_05.nc
>>>               > 1995/01/pre_1995_01_06.nc
>>>               > and so on for 10 years
>>>               >
>>>               > *All individual datasets can be viewed in grads with
>>>         sdfopen command*
>>>               >
>>>               > Can anybody please help me how to use template option.
>>>               >
>>>               > Thank you for any kind of help or suggestion in this
>>> regard.
>>>               >
>>>               > Kind Regards
>>>               > Mano
>>>              _______________________________________________
>>>              gradsusr mailing list
>>>         gradsusr at gradsusr.org
>>>         http://gradsusr.org/mailman/listinfo/gradsusr
>>>         --
>>>         Kind Regards,
>>>         Mano
>>> --
>>> Kind Regards,
>>> Mano
>>> --
>>> Kind Regards,
>>> Mano

Kind Regards,
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