[gradsusr] Displaying Data

PHILBERT LUHUNGA philuhunga at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 28 12:15:43 EDT 2015

Hi everyone, I am coming across with a problem which I cannot figure out how to resolve it.I am opening a netcdf file, with a descriptor  file. The file open but when I set gxout shaded, and display the variable, nothing happen but a blank figure appears. When I set gxout print and when I d variable I am getting strange values.02551e+23
78311e+09 -4.651e+19 -6.08148e-06 -7.84793e+17 0.000288823 -6.11569e+35 5.
11 -3.51827e-11
64293e-30 -1.16457e+08 -2.98267e-35 -5.63985e+29 1.6211e+08 3.12801e-31 -2
e-13 1.75172e-27
03e-09 -7.72053e-25 -8.10953e+21 -5.78092e-14 -6.50656e+32 3.85024e-35 305
41691e+31 4.06909e-12 7.699e-30 1.86735e-26 -4.92652e-05 -6.30345e+35 -4.3
21 8.38019e-30
44686e-27 3.42916e-36 -1.44624e+13 5.74785e+20 -6.14774e+20 4.80674e+18 1.
+18 -3.20695e+27
4793e-28 -4.39624e-05 -1.00517e-12 1.32428e-15 6.12485e-22 63303.6 -1.7084
60567e+22 -6.90464e-36 -1.44687e-20 8.43893e-07 -6.6683e+13 -4.48022e-25 -
4e-23 -4.63784e-21
5905e+24 3.04333e-38 1.96598e+24 1.20301e+32 -4.03105e+08 1.51837e+16 -123

could anyone help me to resolve this problems.
my descriptor file is dset ^tasmax_1971-2005.nc

title dummy descriptor file
options 365_day_calendar
undef -9.99e33
xdef 194 linear -24.64  0.44 
ydef 201 linear -45.76  0.44
*zdef 12 linear 1000 1
zdef 1 levels 1 1
tdef 1800 linear 01jan2041 1dy
vars 1
*hus 0 99 hus
tasmax 6 99 tasmax
 AS EVER LUHUNGA -------------------- Philbert Modest Luhunga University of Pretoria  Department of Geography,Geoinformatics and Meteorology Private Bag X20 Hatfield 0028 South Africa Tel +27 (0) 12 420 5164 Fax +27 (0) 12 420 6385 Mobile:+ 27826228060 Email address: philuhunga at yahoo.com
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