[gradsusr] Need help with histogram plot

Eric Aligo eric.aligo at noaa.gov
Thu Mar 5 15:44:28 EST 2015

I would like to generate a histogram plot with precip 5 precip bins 
along the x-axis.   Below I sum up the points with precip between .01 
and 0.1" (the first bin)  summ over t=1 and t=2.  A similar calculation 
would be done for the remaining 4 precip bins.  I tried plotting this 
one bar and I get nothing.  What am I doing wrong and what's the best 
way to resolve this?


'set t 1 2'
'set lat 33.66 37.02'
'set lon -101.54 -94.36'

'set gxout bar'

'set x 1'
'set y 1'
'set z 1'

'd sum(summ,t=1,t=2)'
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