[gradsusr] How to display averages of multiple variables for same time steps in one map

Zaib-un- Nisa zaib.envsc at gmail.com
Tue Mar 3 12:45:11 EST 2015

*Dear Users,*

I am unable to configure where actually the fault lies! i am trying to
display the average of geopotential height, wind vectors and surface
temperature in single map. I have combined these variables in one netcdf
file. I am calculating their averages step by step.Script is as follows;

'sdfopen d:/JRA/oct2004/oct2004.nc'
'set display color white'
'set lat 23 38'
'set lon 58 78'
'set z 7'
'set e 1'
'set t 21 44'
'set vpage 0 11 0 8.5'
'set timelab off'
'set grads off'
'set grid off'
'set mpdset hires'
'set csmooth on'
'set gxout contour'
'set cthick 0.5'
'set clopts 0.6 0.6 0.15'
'set ccolor 1'
'define w=ave(hgt,t=21,t=44)'
'd w'
'set gxout shaded'
'define tm1= ave(tmp-273.15,t=21,t=44)'
*'color -10 40 2 -kind blue->cyan->white->yellow->orange->red->maroon'
'd tm1'
'set gxout vector'
'set arrscl 1 20'
'set ccolor 1'
'define x = ave(ugrd,t=21,t=44)'
'define y = ave(vgrd,t=21,t=44)'
'd x;y'
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