[gradsusr] plot the global mask + a shp of a country or as netcdf + a meteorological field

rogert sori gomez roglei01 at yahoo.es
Wed Jun 17 12:32:11 EDT 2015

 I am trying to make a global plot of precipitation and I did it, but also I will like to remark an area delimited in Africa, I have this area in format netcdf (lon lat) and .shp. When I tried to plot the global mask and the netcdf of the area inside africa was impossible, and also tried with the shapefile but when I run the script, just tell me: unable to allocate shp file !!! 
'set shp G:\river_basin.shp''set shpopts 54029'  'set gxout shp'
'd river_basin'
'draw shp G:\river_basin.shp'
I will appreciate an advice, Thanks. 
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