[gradsusr] Vertical wind profile

Suman Maity suman.buie at gmail.com
Tue Jul 14 06:19:07 EDT 2015

Dear grads Users
This is Suman Maity from IIT Kharagpur, India. I want to plot the vertical
wind (for example Hadley circulation). For that I have taken average of
meridional wind (v) and vertical pressure velocity (omega) averaged over
70E-90E. Then I have varied  level from 1000-100. And lastly plot with the
d v;omega

But the plot is not coming properly.
Any kind of help will be highly solicited.

Thanks and Regards
'S Maity'

********************************************************Suman Maity*
Research Scholar
Center for Ocean, Rivers, Atmosphere and Land Sciences(CORAL)
Indian Institute Of Technology Kharagpur.
******************************************************** *
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