[gradsusr] How to convert grib to netcdf or read grib files in GrADS

dolesibeni dolesibeni at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 15:17:50 EST 2015

Am I supposed to use these two scripts in windows or linux?  I dont really know how i can use them in windows which is my operating system. I already have the scripts but i dont know hoq i can use them.

Sent from Samsung tabletJeff Duda <jeffduda319 at gmail.com> wrote:Get yourself a copy of the perl scripts grib2ctl.pl and g2ctl from NCEP (a Google search will turn them up). Those will create control files from GRIB data. Then run gribmap on the control files to create an index file. When that's done successfully, you will be able to plot the data in GrADS.

Jeff Duda

On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 5:05 AM, dolesibeni <dolesibeni at gmail.com> wrote:

Dear All,
I am new to grib1 and grib2 data,  I downloaded these data sets from ECMWF site and the data is .grib and grb2 formart. I would like to work this data for a case study of extreme rainfall event and flooding that took place in my country.
I downloaded this data becuase i wanted a high resolution data set and i was unable to get this thro7gh groogling. The data set contains, u and v components,precipitation totals, temperatures etc.
Could anyone help how i can read this data using grads or hown i can convert it to netcdf format which i am familiar with. I tried to do the following:
In windows  >cdo -f nc copy grip file outputfile.nc
 And i am getting an error 
Please help

Sent from Samsung tablet

Davide Sacchetti <davide.sacchetti at arpal.gov.it> wrote:
You are making same mess with template ... I try to show 2 solutions:

you could cat all your files into a single one and avoiding template
or splitting each of them into 12 (months) files. Using this second
chance you could use template sal.%y4%m2.grb

hoping it helps ...

bye bye

On Tue, 2015-02-24 at 11:33 +0100, Andrew Friedman wrote:
> Hi GrADS users,
> This is my first time using GRIB data or templates in GrADS, so I
> apologize if this question is basic.
> I'm trying to open a set of annual salinity GRIB files (from Ishii et
> al.) using the GrADS template feature:
> http://www.iges.org/grads/gadoc/templates.html
> The files are sequential by year: sal.1945.grb sal.1946.grb
> sal.1947.grb .... sal.2012.grb ....
> However, when I open the control file (below) with the templating
> feature it only opens the first year (1945). I am able to open
> individual files by modifying the control file, however.
> Do you know what I am missing to get all of the files to load at once?
> I downloaded the data from
> https://amaterasu.ees.hokudai.ac.jp/~ism/pub/ProjD/v6.13/sal/grib/
> The control file sal.ctl is as follows:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> DSET  ^sal.%y4.grb
> INDEX ^sal.idx
> dtype  grib 255
> OPTIONS template
> UNDEF  99999
> XDEF 360 LINEAR     .5  1.00
> YDEF 180 LINEAR  -89.5  1.00
> ZDEF  24 LEVELS 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 500 600
> 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
> TDEF 816 LINEAR 15jan1945 1mo
> VARS   2
> s     24  88,160,0  salinity       [psu]
> e     24 129,160,0  analysis error [psu]
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Thanks,
> Andrew
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Davide Sacchetti
Centro Funzionale Meteo Idrologico di Protezione Civile della Regione Liguria
ARPAL Unità Tecnica Complessa di livello Regionale
V.le Brigare Partigiane 2 16121 Genova (I)
tel: +39 010 6437535                    fax: +39 010 6437520
mail: davide.sacchetti at arpal.gov.it     web: www.meteoliguria.it

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Jeff Duda
Graduate research assistant
University of Oklahoma School of Meteorology
Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms
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