[gradsusr] Problems with gribmap

Jennifer Adams jma at cola.iges.org
Wed Feb 18 12:52:46 EST 2015

Hi, Jeff -
I don’t know why GrADS is not building the filename properly. I tried this on my system with your descriptor file and got the right names, so I can’t reproduce your errors. Look out for whitespace issues, and maybe try this:
dset gep%e.t12zpgrb2bf108
edef 20 names 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

On Feb 16, 2015, at 1:38 PM, Jeff Duda <jeffduda319 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm trying to play around with GEFS data. I downloaded data for one specific case and forecast hour for all 20 members, ran g2ctl on it, and made adjustments for the ensemble dimension. When I ran gribmap, I get this error:
> -bash-4.1$ gribmap -i GEFS_pert_f108.ctl
> grib2map: scanning GRIB2 file: geep1.t12z.pgrb2bf108
> grib2map warning: could not open GRIB file: geep1.t12z.pgrb2bf108
> grib2map: reached end of files
> grib2map: Writing out the index file
> The relevant part of the control file is:
> dset ^ge%e.t12z.pgrb2bf108
> index ^GEFS.t12z.pgrb2bf108.idx
> undef 9.999E+20
> options template
> title gep01.t12z.pgrb2bf108
> * produced by g2ctl v0.0.8.8
> * command line options: gep01.t12z.pgrb2bf108
> * griddef=1:0:(360 x 181):grid_template=0:winds(N/S): lat-lon grid:(360 x 181) units 1e-06 input WE:NS output WE:SN res 48 lat 90.000000 to -90.000000 by 1.000000 lon 0.000000 $
> dtype grib2
> ydef 181 linear -90.000000 1
> xdef 360 linear 0.000000 1.000000
> tdef 1 linear 00Z21feb2015 6hr
> edef 20 names
> p01
> p02
> p03
> p04
> p05
> p06
> p07
> p08
> p09
> p10
> p11
> p12
> p13
> p14
> p15
> p16
> p17
> p18
> p19
> p20
> The list of data files is:
> gep01.t12z.pgrb2bf108
> gep02.t12z.pgrb2bf108
> gep03.t12z.pgrb2bf108
> gep04.t12z.pgrb2bf108
> gep05.t12z.pgrb2bf108
> gep06.t12z.pgrb2bf108
> gep07.t12z.pgrb2bf108
> gep08.t12z.pgrb2bf108
> gep09.t12z.pgrb2bf108
> gep10.t12z.pgrb2bf108
> gep11.t12z.pgrb2bf108
> gep12.t12z.pgrb2bf108
> gep13.t12z.pgrb2bf108
> gep14.t12z.pgrb2bf108
> gep15.t12z.pgrb2bf108
> gep16.t12z.pgrb2bf108
> gep17.t12z.pgrb2bf108
> gep18.t12z.pgrb2bf108
> gep19.t12z.pgrb2bf108
> gep20.t12z.pgrb2bf108
> So there's a discrepancy between my template string and how gribmap is interpreting it. It wants to substitute the string "ep1" where I mean for it to substitute "p01". Why is it doing this? And how do I correct it?
> Jeff
> -- 
> Jeff Duda
> Graduate research assistant
> University of Oklahoma School of Meteorology
> Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms
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Jennifer M. Adams
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)
111 Research Hall, Mail Stop 2B3
George Mason University
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030 

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