[gradsusr] 500 hpa & Jetstream

Chorley Weather weatherstu at chorleyweather.com
Mon Apr 27 09:06:23 EDT 2015

On 27-04-2015 13:33, Stephen McMillan wrote:
> For the heights to change, you need to change the timestep.  The
> example you sent has t=5.  If, for example, you want it to vary from
> timestep 5 to 10, you need t=5 on the first, t=6 on the second, and so
> forth.  Here's a simple loop, using your sample script:
> 'set lev 500'
> t1=5;t2=10
> ts=t1
> while(ts<=t2);#start time loop'set gxout shaded'
> 'set csmooth on'
> 'set clevs 4920 4960 5000 5040 5080 5120 5160 5200 5240 5280 5320 5360
> 5400 5440 5480 5520 5560 5600 5640 5680 5720 5760 5800 5840 5880 5920
> 5960 6000 6040 6080 6120'
> 'set ccols 61  63  65  67  69  71  73  75  77  79  81  83 
> 85  87  89  18  20  22  24  26  28  30  32  34  36  38 
> 41  43  45  47  49  51'
> 'd hgtprs(t='ts')'
> 'define slp  = const((prmslmsl*0.01),0,-u)'
> 'set gxout contour'
> 'set ccolor 0'
> 'set cthick 10'
> 'set cint 5'
> 'set clopts 0'
> 'set clab masked'
> 'd slp'
> ts=ts+1
> endwhile;#end time loop
> 'cbarn'
> Stephen Mc
> On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 8:08 AM, Chorley Weather
> <weatherstu at chorleyweather.com> wrote:
>> On 26-04-2015 20 [1]:28, Stephen McMillan wrote:
>> Stuart,
>> It would help if you shared the portion of your script that you
>> used
>> to attempt doing the 500mb height charts. What is the snag?  What
>> GrADS error are you getting?  What are you trying to get your code
>> to
>> do?
>>  Whether you need to define them depends on how you're using
>> them. 
>> Following is a simple sample, assuming I've opened the gfs 0p25:
>> 'set lev 500'
>> 'set clevs 5160 5280 5400 5520 5640'
>> 'set ccols 9 4 11 3 7'
>> 'd hgtprs(t=5)'
>> You can also define it first...
>> 'define hgt500=hgtprs(t=5)'
>> 'd hgt500'
>> Stephen Mc
>> On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 9:53 AM, Chorley Weather
>> <weatherstu at chorleyweather.com> wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> Still rather new to grads but have managed to create some good
>> charts running the GFS 0.25, however, I have hit a snag on the
>> 500mb
>> height chart. Ive scripted all the colour and shading, including
>> the
>> contour bar but the hgt500 code will not work. Does this need
>> defining and if so can someone please share the definition. Also
>> I'd
>> love a jet stream chart, however, I am also struggling with that.
>> Any info would be much appreciated.  I've attached my precip &
>> rainfall chart to show I'm not completely without hope :)
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Stuart.
>> --
>> Chief Forecaster & Owner
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>  Hi Stephen,
>  Thank you very much for your help. The sample worked fine and I have
> manged to create a chart including a pressure overlay. However, the
> issue I now have is the heights don't change when I run the gfs data.
> I still get the same heights but the pressure works fine. I've
> attached some of my script for you to view. Not sure what I'm missing
> to make the heights run with the gfs data. All my other charts work
> fine so I know the noaa/dods link is fine.
>  'set lev 500'
>  'set gxout shaded'
>  'set csmooth on'
>  'set clevs 4920 4960 5000 5040 5080 5120 5160 5200 5240 5280 5320
> 5360 5400 5440 5480 5520 5560 5600 5640 5680 5720 5760 5800 5840 5880
> 5920 5960 6000 6040 6080 6120'
>  'set ccols 61  63  65  67  69  71  73  75  77  79  81 
> 83  85  87  89  18  20  22  24  26  28  30  32  34  36 
> 38  41  43  45  47  49  51'
>  'd hgtprs(t=5)'
>  'define slp  = const((prmslmsl*0.01),0,-u)'
>  'set gxout contour'
>  'set ccolor 0'
>  'set cthick 10'
>  'set cint 5'
>  'set clopts 0'
>  'set clab masked'
>  'd slp'
>  'cbarn'
>  Regards,
>  Stuart
>  --
>  Chief Forecaster & Owner
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>  gradsusr mailing list
>  gradsusr at gradsusr.org
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> [2] http://gradsusr.org/mailman/listinfo/gradsusr
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> gradsusr mailing list
> gradsusr at gradsusr.org
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Hi Stephen,

Again many thanks for your assistance. The time series I have been using 
for all my charts is below. Would I need to change this?

function main(args)

* Parse the arguments: date, hour
   if (args = '')
   prompt 'Enter forecast date (example, 20110717) --> '
   pull date
   prompt 'Enter forecast hour (example, 00 or 06 or 12 or 18) --> '
   pull hour
   date = subwrd(args,1)
   hour  = subwrd(args,2)


* Get info from the descriptor file
'q ctlinfo'
_ctl = result
_undef = getctl(undef)
_tdef = getctl(tdef)
_zdef = getctl(zdef)

maps = 81

* Get the Time axis info
tsize = subwrd(_tdef,2)
_t1 = 1       ;* 2nd half of timeseries
_t2 = 45
tsize = _t2 - _t1 + 1
'set t '_t1' '_t2
'q dims'
times  = sublin(result,5)
_time1 = subwrd(times,6)
_time2 = subwrd(times,8)
_tdim = _time1' '_time2

tincr = subwrd(_tdef,5)
_tdef = 'tdef 'tsize' linear '_time1' 'tincr

huh = subwrd(_tdef,4)


Chief Forecaster & Owner

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