[gradsusr] 500 hpa & Jetstream

Chorley Weather weatherstu at chorleyweather.com
Sun Apr 26 09:53:40 EDT 2015

Hi guys,

Still rather new to grads but have managed to create some good charts 
running the GFS 0.25, however, I have hit a snag on the 500mb height 
chart. Ive scripted all the colour and shading, including the contour 
bar but the hgt500 code will not work. Does this need defining and if so 
can someone please share the definition. Also I'd love a jet stream 
chart, however, I am also struggling with that. Any info would be much 
appreciated.  I've attached my precip & rainfall chart to show I'm not 
completely without hope :)

Thanks in advance,

Chief Forecaster & Owner
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