[gradsusr] [SPAM] Re: grads scripts operating

zhuh at cma.gov.cn zhuh at cma.gov.cn
Fri Apr 3 09:34:37 EDT 2015

发件人:"Stephen McMillan" <smcmillan at planalytics.com>
发送时间:2015-04-01 20:50:31 (星期三)
收件人: "dian novianto" <novianto_dian at yahoo.com.au>, "GrADS Users Forum" <gradsusr at gradsusr.org>
主题: [SPAM] Re: [gradsusr] grads scripts operating

First define your averaged u and v, then display result.  For example:

'define uavg=ave(u,z=36,z=46)'
'define vavg=ave(v,z=36,z=46)'
'd uavg;vavg'

Stephen Mc

On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 1:53 PM, dian novianto <novianto_dian at yahoo.com.au> wrote:

this is my scripts for temperature average for layer 3 - 50 meter.
but when i try using for current(u;v) this is error.
i need help to make scripts average layer value like in temperature script for u;v variables.
#my data description.

ga-> sdfopen e:/new/cur/current_northwest_monsoon_ave.nc
Scanning self-describing file:  e:/new/cur/current_northwest_monsoon_ave.nc
SDF file has no discernable time coordinate -- using default values.
SDF file e:/new/cur/current_northwest_monsoon_ave.nc is open as file 1
LON set to 109.062 126.938
LAT set to -15.9599 -6.03633
LEV set to -10000 -10000
Time values set: 1:1:1:0 1:1:1:0
E set to 1 1
ga-> q file
File 1 :
  Descriptor: e:/new/cur/current_northwest_monsoon_ave.nc
  Binary: e:/new/cur/current_northwest_monsoon_ave.nc
  Type = Gridded
  Xsize = 144  Ysize = 82  Zsize = 46  Tsize = 1  Esize = 1
  Number of Variables = 2
     u  46  z,y,x  UVEL[D=1, GT=MONTH_REG at MOD]
     v  46  z,y,x  VVEL[D=2, G=LONLAT, GT=MONTH_REG at MOD]
ga-> q dims
Default file number is: 1
X is varying   Lon = 109.062 to 126.938   X = 1 to 144
Y is varying   Lat = -15.9599 to -6.03633   Y = 1 to 82
Z is fixed     Lev = -10000  Z = 1
T is fixed     Time = 00Z01JAN0001  T = 1
E is fixed     Ens = 1  E = 1

# this is my scripts for temperature

'sdfopen E:/new/temp/temp_trans1_monsoon_ave.nc'
'set lat -16 -7'
'set lon 109 127'

'set t 1'
'set gxout line'
'set gxout shaded'

'set mpdset hires'
'set csmooth on'

'd ave(temp_clim,z=36,z=46)'
'draw title trans1_temp3-50m'
'printim e:/re/monsoon/fig/gambar.trans1_temp50m.gif white'

'set x 1 140'

'set t 1'
'fprintf.gs lat lat.txt %g 1 0'
'fprintf lat e:/re/monsoon/txt/trans1_temp50m_lat.txt'
'set x 1 140'

'set t 1'
'fprintf.gs lon lon.txt %g 1 0'
'fprintf lon e:/re/monsoon/txt/trans1_temp50m_lon.txt'

'set x 1 140'

'set t 1'
'fprintf ave(temp_clim,z=36,z=46) ave(temp_clim,z=36,z=46).txt %g, 1 0'
'fprintf ave(temp_clim,z=36,z=46) e:/re/monsoon/txt/trans1_Value50m.txt'


Dian Novianto

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