[gradsusr] how to display average wind speed and direction

Zaib-un- Nisa zaib.envsc at gmail.com
Mon Nov 24 09:31:18 EST 2014

Hi there,

i am trying to display five days average wind speed and direction on map by
following commands

'sdfopen d:/jra/dec2011/dec2011.nc'
'set display color white'
'set z 7'
'set timelab off'
'set grads off'
'set grid off'
'set mpdset hires'
'set gxout vector'
'set t 72 92'
'define wspd=ave(mag(ugrd,vgrd),t=72,t=92))'
'd wspd'

but output is contours, while i need wind vectors,  can anyone improve this
script? i guess i need to average wind direction too but they can be
displayed together as wind vector.

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