[gradsusr] NetCDF file descriptor

Reginald Johnson rej57 at cornell.edu
Fri May 2 20:21:05 EDT 2014

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On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 5:29 PM, Oriol Ciurana <uri at uriens.cat> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm having problems trying to open a WRF NetCDF file with GrADS.
> When I try to open it using "xdfopen" command I get the following error
> message:
> ga-> xdfopen eu12-pp_2014050200_0.nc
> Scanning Descriptor File:  eu12-pp_2014050200_0.nc
> gadxdf error: Unknown keyword in description file
>   --> The invalid description file record is:
>   --> cdf
>   The data file was not opened.
> After checking the GrADS documentation I have realised that a file
> descriptor (ctl) is needed in order to open it using the "open" command, so
> I need some help at this point. The dump of "ncdump -c" command is
> attached. The dump shows that the NetCDF file is in LCC projection and due
> to this I'm having problems defining the PDEF, XDEF and YDEF components. At
> first attempt, the ctl i'm writing looks something like this:
> DSET ^eu12-pp_2014050200_0.nc
> DTYPE netcdf
> UNDEF 9.999E+20
> TITLE WRF-Europe model 12km
> PDEF 495 309 lcc 26.36833 -24.60645f 1 1 47.5 47.5 4 12000 12000
> XDEF 495 linear 1 1
> YDEF 309 linear 1 1
> ZDEF 36 levels 1000 975 950 925 900 875 850 825 800 775 750 725 700 675
> 650 625 600 575 550 525 500 475 450 425 400 $
> TDEF 1 linear 00Z02may2014 1hr
> VARS 3
> LON=>glon     0  t,y,x  ** grid longitude
> LAT=>glat     0  t,y,x  ** grid latitude
> TMP2M=>tmp2m  0  t,y,x  ** tmp2m
> ...
> I'm pretty sure that PDEF,XDEF,YDEF are incorrect. Could you help me
> please on writting it correctly please?
> Thanks in advance,
> Oriol Ciurana
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*Reginald E. Johnson *
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