[gradsusr] Help on Areal average using Grads

Anil Kumar anilku at oceanmanager.com
Thu May 1 09:58:00 EDT 2014

Hi Grad Users,


I have NetCDF file having Ocean Current Data (attached for reference). Am using below command to display u_velocity and v_velocity and generating vector plot using SKIP() function from Grads.



sdfopen D:/rtofs_glo_2ds_f024_daily_prog.nc <http://rtofs_glo_2ds_f024_daily_prog.nc> 

set vpage 0 11 0 8.5

set parea 0 11 0 8.5

set lon 74 434

set lat -70 70

set mproj latlon

set display color white

set datawarn off

set grads off

set timelab off

set xlab off

set ylab off

set frame off

set t 1

set cint 40

set display color white

set background 0 

set gxout vector

set cthick 6

set ccolor 1

d skip(u_velocity*1.95,8,8);skip(v_velocity*1.95,8,8)

printim D:\output.png x1061 y587 -t 0


output is attached and unfortunately this is not what i need exactly. It is just plotting every 8th point. I want to plot areal average of every 8 points and want exactly the same plot.




NetCDF file has 4320 LON points  and 2160  LAT points. The “display” command is powerful enough to iterate along the longitude and latitude. But aave() <http://www.iges.org/grads/gadoc/gradfuncaave.html>  function needs fixed X and Y dimensions, no STRIDE option for X and Y. 


How can I achieve this using Grads??? Ultimately I need global vector output.


Please help me on this. Thanks in advance.


-Anil Kumar



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