[gradsusr] Unable To Open Concatanated Regional GEM GRIB2s With GrADS

Perry, Aaron @ LSC Aaron.Perry at lsc.vsc.edu
Sat Mar 22 15:35:32 EDT 2014

Good Afternoon All,

I'm having an issue where I can't open any Regional GEM GRIB2s (that I've concatenated into one big GRIB2, followed by running g2ctl/gribmap) in GrADS.

I do this method with many other models and have never had an issue, except with Regional GEM files. I've also attached a part of my bash script that cats the GRIB2s together.

Has anyone else experienced this issue?

Onward and Upward,

Aaron D. Perry
Atmospheric Sciences
Lyndon State College
Class of 2016
Boston, MA
Twitter: @AaronPerryLSC<https://twitter.com/AaronPerryLSC>
Mobile: 617-780-4312
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