[gradsusr] Use of ^ Character in Descriptor File

Stephen McMillan smcmillan at planalytics.com
Mon Jun 23 16:00:55 EDT 2014

Arlindo, Frank,

As it turns out, my issue with using the ^ character had nothing to do with
whether GrADS was run from the same directory (or even in the same path) as
my .ctl and .bin files.  However, I did learn that my problem had to do
with my using ms-dos style pathnames when opening the .ctl file, which
works fine when the full DSET path is specified in the .ctl file.  Now, if
I run GrADS from the default location (in the opengrads directory) and open
with cygwin/posix-style pathnames, the ^ character before the .bin filename
works as intended.

Stephen Mc

On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 11:15 AM, Stephen McMillan <
smcmillan at planalytics.com> wrote:

> Arlindo, Frank,
> Thanks both of you for your replies, and they have helped to partially
> resolve this.
> First of all, I had not been aware that, to use the ^ character, that
> grads had to be run from the same directory as the .ctl and .bin files.
>  Mine does indeed work if I do that, but only if I first change directories
> from either a separate Cygwin window or from the Windows (dos) command
> line, prior to launching grads from within that window.  It is a useful
> workaround.  Otherwise, if I try to change directories (!cd
> c:/whatever/folder, e.g.) from the grads command line, it won't work.
> I will soon be trying out the latest opengrads release (*2.1.a2.oga.1).  *I'm
> thinking the included "path" extension will resolve the last issue
> mentioned.
> Stephen Mc
> On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 10:20 AM, Arlindo da Silva <dasilva at alum.mit.edu>
> wrote:
>> Sephen,
>>    In the past "^" expansion worked on windows, but since I am not a
>> windows user I have to rely on users to report such problems.  In fact, the
>> model.ctl that I use for tests has "^" in it and all windows builds passes
>> 100% of the tests.
>>    Can you send me the full name of the directory where the data resides?
>> I want to make sure there is no glitch with the handling of specific
>> directory names when expanding "^". Please send me the 2 versions of the
>> ctl file: one with the "^" and the other with full pathname and I will take
>> a look.
>>    Arlindo
>> On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 9:23 AM, Stephen McMillan <
>> smcmillan at planalytics.com> wrote:
>>> This question is for those familiar with MS Windows...
>>> The GrADS documentation states that "If a ^ character is placed in front
>>> of *data_filename*, then *data_filename* is assumed to be relative to
>>> the path of the descriptor file. If you are using the ^ character in the
>>> DSET entry, then the descriptor file and the data file may be moved to a
>>> new directory without changing any entries in the data descriptor file,
>>> provided their relative paths remain the same."
>>> However, I have not been able to get this to work.  My descriptor (.ctl)
>>> and data file (.bin) have exactly the same names, apart from the
>>> extensions, and reside in the same folder.  Here's the applicable "dset"
>>> line in my descriptor file:
>>> dset ^tfit.air-nino+soi+amo.lt12.jan51-02.bin
>>> If I include the full pathname in dset, it works fine.  However, I want
>>> to be able to move the files to a new folder without having to edit the
>>> dset entry.  Is there an equivalent for Windows?
>>> I'm using GrADS version 2.0.1.oga.1 on a Windows 7 pc.
>>> Stephen McMillan
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>> Arlindo da Silva
>> *dasilva at alum.mit.edu <dasilva at alum.mit.edu>*
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