[gradsusr] Writing .ctl file

David Stanfel dstanfel at ualberta.ca
Fri Jul 25 00:26:11 EDT 2014


I decided to try a different file. Here is the ncdump -c of said file:

dstanfel:bin ninjawarrior343$ ncdump -c 19800101.ocean_neutral.nc

netcdf \19800101.ocean_neutral {


xt_ocean = 24 ;

yt_ocean = 35 ;

Time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently)

nv = 2 ;

st_ocean = 18 ;

st_edges_ocean = 19 ;


double xt_ocean(xt_ocean) ;

xt_ocean:long_name = "tcell longitude" ;

xt_ocean:units = "degrees_E" ;

xt_ocean:cartesian_axis = "X" ;

double yt_ocean(yt_ocean) ;

yt_ocean:long_name = "tcell latitude" ;

yt_ocean:units = "degrees_N" ;

yt_ocean:cartesian_axis = "Y" ;

double Time(Time) ;

Time:long_name = "Time" ;

Time:units = "days since 1980-01-01 00:00:00" ;

Time:cartesian_axis = "T" ;

Time:calendar_type = "NOLEAP" ;

Time:calendar = "NOLEAP" ;

Time:bounds = "Time_bounds" ;

double nv(nv) ;

nv:long_name = "vertex number" ;

nv:units = "none" ;

nv:cartesian_axis = "N" ;

double st_ocean(st_ocean) ;

st_ocean:long_name = "tcell pstar" ;

st_ocean:units = "dbars" ;

st_ocean:cartesian_axis = "Z" ;

st_ocean:positive = "down" ;

st_ocean:edges = "st_edges_ocean" ;

double st_edges_ocean(st_edges_ocean) ;

st_edges_ocean:long_name = "tcell pstar edges" ;

st_edges_ocean:units = "dbars" ;

st_edges_ocean:cartesian_axis = "Z" ;

st_edges_ocean:positive = "down" ;

float agm(Time, yt_ocean, xt_ocean) ;

agm:long_name = "GM diffusivity at surface" ;

agm:units = "m^2/sec" ;

agm:valid_range = -10.f, 1.e+10f ;

agm:missing_value = -1.e+20f ;

agm:_FillValue = -1.e+20f ;

agm:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;

agm:time_avg_info = "average_T1,average_T2,average_DT" ;

agm:coordinates = "geolon_t geolat_t" ;

agm:standard_name = "ocean_tracer_bolus_laplacian_diffusivity" ;

float rossby(Time, yt_ocean, xt_ocean) ;

rossby:long_name = "Rossby radius used in neutral physics" ;

rossby:units = "m" ;

rossby:valid_range = -10.f, 1.e+10f ;

rossby:missing_value = -1.e+20f ;

rossby:_FillValue = -1.e+20f ;

rossby:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;

rossby:time_avg_info = "average_T1,average_T2,average_DT" ;

rossby:coordinates = "geolon_t geolat_t" ;

float slope31(Time, st_ocean, yt_ocean, xt_ocean) ;

slope31:long_name = "neutral slope -(rho_x/rho_z)" ;

slope31:units = "dimensionless" ;

slope31:valid_range = -1.e+10f, 1.e+10f ;

slope31:missing_value = -1.e+20f ;

slope31:_FillValue = -1.e+20f ;

slope31:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;

slope31:time_avg_info = "average_T1,average_T2,average_DT" ;

slope31:coordinates = "geolon_t geolat_t" ;

float slope32(Time, st_ocean, yt_ocean, xt_ocean) ;

slope32:long_name = "neutral slope -(rho_y/rho_z)" ;

slope32:units = "dimensionless" ;

slope32:valid_range = -1.e+10f, 1.e+10f ;

slope32:missing_value = -1.e+20f ;

slope32:_FillValue = -1.e+20f ;

slope32:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;

slope32:time_avg_info = "average_T1,average_T2,average_DT" ;

slope32:coordinates = "geolon_t geolat_t" ;

double average_T1(Time) ;

average_T1:long_name = "Start time for average period" ;

average_T1:units = "days since 1980-01-01 00:00:00" ;

average_T1:missing_value = 1.e+20 ;

average_T1:_FillValue = 1.e+20 ;

double average_T2(Time) ;

average_T2:long_name = "End time for average period" ;

average_T2:units = "days since 1980-01-01 00:00:00" ;

average_T2:missing_value = 1.e+20 ;

average_T2:_FillValue = 1.e+20 ;

double average_DT(Time) ;

average_DT:long_name = "Length of average period" ;

average_DT:units = "days" ;

average_DT:missing_value = 1.e+20 ;

average_DT:_FillValue = 1.e+20 ;

double Time_bounds(Time, nv) ;

Time_bounds:long_name = "Time axis boundaries" ;

Time_bounds:units = "days" ;

Time_bounds:missing_value = 1.e+20 ;

Time_bounds:_FillValue = 1.e+20 ;

// global attributes:

:filename = "ocean_neutral.nc" ;

:title = "MOM4 box" ;

:grid_type = "regular" ;

:grid_tile = "N/A" ;


 xt_ocean = 1.25, 3.75, 6.25, 8.75, 11.25, 13.75, 16.25, 18.75, 21.25,

    26.25, 28.75, 31.25, 33.75, 36.25, 38.75, 41.25, 43.75, 46.25, 48.75,

    51.25, 53.75, 56.25, 58.75 ;

 yt_ocean = 1.25, 3.7488100528717, 6.2393012046814, 8.71919345855713,

    11.1815176010132, 13.6242818832397, 16.0408229827881, 18.4296073913574,

    20.784387588501, 23.1042194366455, 25.3833503723145, 27.6215190887451,

    29.813497543335, 31.9597606658936, 34.0555992126465, 36.1022338867188,

    38.0954322814941, 40.0371551513672, 41.9235687255859, 43.7573394775391,

    45.5349464416504, 47.259708404541, 48.9283294677734, 50.5447235107422,

    52.1057090759277, 53.6157531738281, 55.0716934204102, 56.4785079956055,

    57.8329429626465, 59.1404571533203, 60.3976211547852, 61.6103477478027,

    62.7749481201172, 63.8977813720703, 64.9748153686523 ;

 Time = 2 ;

 nv = 1, 2 ;

 st_ocean = 17.75025, 53.25075, 88.75125, 124.25175, 159.75225, 195.25275,

    230.75325, 266.25375, 314.34159289856, 399.171716592407,

    541.922400494385, 759.079548358154, 1061.10117883301, 1451.56990550537,

    1926.90292906494, 2476.64250944824, 3084.30280480957, 3728.70522619629 ;

 st_edges_ocean = 0, 35.5005, 71.001, 106.5015, 142.002, 177.5025, 213.003,

    248.5035, 290.29765597229, 356.756654745483, 470.547043066406,

    650.50097442627, 910.090332641602, 1256.33548026123, 1689.23641728516,

    2201.77290498047, 2780.47265712891, 3406.50401550293, 4057.20024763184

I wrote a .ctl file:

DSET ^19800101.ocean_neutral.nc

UNDEF -9.99e8 missing_value

DTYPE netcdf


TITLE Sample Model Output

XDEF 24 LINEAR  1.25   2.5

YDEF 35 levels  1.25, 3.7488100528717, 6.2393012046814, 8.71919345855713,

    11.1815176010132, 13.6242818832397, 16.0408229827881, 18.4296073913574,

    20.784387588501, 23.1042194366455, 25.3833503723145, 27.6215190887451,

    29.813497543335, 31.9597606658936, 34.0555992126465, 36.1022338867188,

    38.0954322814941, 40.0371551513672, 41.9235687255859, 43.7573394775391,

    45.5349464416504, 47.259708404541, 48.9283294677734, 50.5447235107422,

    52.1057090759277, 53.6157531738281, 55.0716934204102, 56.4785079956055,

    57.8329429626465, 59.1404571533203, 60.3976211547852, 61.6103477478027,

    62.7749481201172, 63.8977813720703, 64.9748153686523

ZDEF 18 levels  17.75025, 53.25075, 88.75125, 124.25175, 159.75225,
195.25275, 230.75327, 266.25375, 314.34159289856, 399.171716592407,
541.922400494385, 759.079548358154, 1061.10117883301, 1451.56990550537,
1926.90292906494, 2476.64250944824, 3084.30280480957, 3728.70522619629

TDEF 1 LINEAR 01JAN0001 1mo


agm    0  t,y,x  GM diffusivity at surface (m^2/sec)

rossby 0  t,y,x  Rossby radius used in neutral physics (m)

slope31 18 t,z,y,x Neutral slope -(rho_x/rho_z)

slope32 18 t,z,y,x Neutral slope -(rho_y/rho_z)


When trying to display the variables, I get this error:

ga-> d agm

Cannot contour grid - all undefined values

ga-> d rossby

Cannot contour grid - all undefined values

ga-> d slope31

Cannot contour grid - all undefined values


What could be going wrong here?



On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 11:23 AM, David Stanfel <dstanfel at ualberta.ca>

> Also, how do you determine the CACHESIZE?
> Thanks,
> David
> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 11:05 PM, David Stanfel <dstanfel at ualberta.ca>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I just ran a climate model which produced some .nc files. I am having
>> trouble writing the .ctl file to read said .nc files. Here is the ncdump -c
>> for one of the files I am trying to read:
>> dstanfel:bin ninjawarrior343$ ncdump -c 19800101.ocean_layer.nc
>> netcdf \19800101.ocean_layer {
>> dimensions:
>> grid_xt_ocean = 24 ;
>> grid_yt_ocean = 35 ;
>> theta = 100 ;
>> theta_edges = 101 ;
>> Time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently)
>> nv = 2 ;
>> xt_ocean = 24 ;
>> yt_ocean = 35 ;
>> st_ocean = 18 ;
>> st_edges_ocean = 19 ;
>> potrho = 100 ;
>> potrho_edges = 101 ;
>> variables:
>> double grid_xt_ocean(grid_xt_ocean) ;
>> grid_xt_ocean:long_name = "tcell longitude" ;
>> grid_xt_ocean:units = "degrees_E" ;
>> grid_xt_ocean:cartesian_axis = "X" ;
>> double grid_yt_ocean(grid_yt_ocean) ;
>> grid_yt_ocean:long_name = "tcell latitude" ;
>> grid_yt_ocean:units = "degrees_N" ;
>> grid_yt_ocean:cartesian_axis = "Y" ;
>> double theta(theta) ;
>> theta:long_name = "potential or conservative temperature" ;
>> theta:units = "C" ;
>> theta:cartesian_axis = "Z" ;
>> theta:positive = "up" ;
>> theta:edges = "theta_edges" ;
>> double theta_edges(theta_edges) ;
>> theta_edges:long_name = "potential or conservative temperature edges" ;
>> theta_edges:units = "C" ;
>> theta_edges:cartesian_axis = "Z" ;
>> theta_edges:positive = "up" ;
>> double Time(Time) ;
>> Time:long_name = "Time" ;
>> Time:units = "days since 1980-01-01 00:00:00" ;
>> Time:cartesian_axis = "T" ;
>> Time:calendar_type = "NOLEAP" ;
>> Time:calendar = "NOLEAP" ;
>> Time:bounds = "Time_bounds" ;
>> double nv(nv) ;
>> nv:long_name = "vertex number" ;
>> nv:units = "none" ;
>> nv:cartesian_axis = "N" ;
>> double xt_ocean(xt_ocean) ;
>> xt_ocean:long_name = "tcell longitude" ;
>> xt_ocean:units = "degrees_E" ;
>> xt_ocean:cartesian_axis = "X" ;
>> double yt_ocean(yt_ocean) ;
>> yt_ocean:long_name = "tcell latitude" ;
>> yt_ocean:units = "degrees_N" ;
>> yt_ocean:cartesian_axis = "Y" ;
>> double st_ocean(st_ocean) ;
>> st_ocean:long_name = "tcell pstar" ;
>> st_ocean:units = "dbars" ;
>> st_ocean:cartesian_axis = "Z" ;
>> st_ocean:positive = "down" ;
>> st_ocean:edges = "st_edges_ocean" ;
>> double st_edges_ocean(st_edges_ocean) ;
>> st_edges_ocean:long_name = "tcell pstar edges" ;
>> st_edges_ocean:units = "dbars" ;
>> st_edges_ocean:cartesian_axis = "Z" ;
>> st_edges_ocean:positive = "down" ;
>> double potrho(potrho) ;
>> potrho:long_name = "potential density" ;
>> potrho:units = "kg/m^3" ;
>> potrho:cartesian_axis = "Z" ;
>> potrho:positive = "down" ;
>> potrho:edges = "potrho_edges" ;
>> double potrho_edges(potrho_edges) ;
>> potrho_edges:long_name = "potential density edges" ;
>> potrho_edges:units = "kg/m^3" ;
>> potrho_edges:cartesian_axis = "Z" ;
>> potrho_edges:positive = "down" ;
>> float depth_of_theta(Time, theta, grid_yt_ocean, grid_xt_ocean) ;
>> depth_of_theta:long_name = "depth of potential temp surface" ;
>> depth_of_theta:units = "m" ;
>> depth_of_theta:valid_range = 0.f, 1.e+10f ;
>> depth_of_theta:missing_value = -1.e+20f ;
>> depth_of_theta:_FillValue = -1.e+20f ;
>> depth_of_theta:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;
>> depth_of_theta:time_avg_info = "average_T1,average_T2,average_DT" ;
>> float rho(Time, st_ocean, yt_ocean, xt_ocean) ;
>> rho:long_name = "in situ density" ;
>> rho:units = "kg/m^3" ;
>> rho:valid_range = -10.f, 100000.f ;
>> rho:missing_value = -1.e+20f ;
>> rho:_FillValue = -1.e+20f ;
>> rho:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;
>> rho:time_avg_info = "average_T1,average_T2,average_DT" ;
>> rho:coordinates = "geolon_t geolat_t" ;
>> float neutral_rho(Time, st_ocean, yt_ocean, xt_ocean) ;
>> neutral_rho:long_name = "potential density estimate of neutral density" ;
>> neutral_rho:units = "kg/m^3" ;
>> neutral_rho:valid_range = -10.f, 100000.f ;
>> neutral_rho:missing_value = -1.e+20f ;
>> neutral_rho:_FillValue = -1.e+20f ;
>> neutral_rho:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;
>> neutral_rho:time_avg_info = "average_T1,average_T2,average_DT" ;
>> neutral_rho:coordinates = "geolon_t geolat_t" ;
>> float pot_rho_0(Time, st_ocean, yt_ocean, xt_ocean) ;
>> pot_rho_0:long_name = "potential density referenced to 0 dbar" ;
>> pot_rho_0:units = "kg/m^3" ;
>> pot_rho_0:valid_range = -10.f, 100000.f ;
>> pot_rho_0:missing_value = -1.e+20f ;
>> pot_rho_0:_FillValue = -1.e+20f ;
>> pot_rho_0:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;
>> pot_rho_0:time_avg_info = "average_T1,average_T2,average_DT" ;
>> pot_rho_0:coordinates = "geolon_t geolat_t" ;
>> pot_rho_0:standard_name = "sea_water_potential_density" ;
>> float salt_on_rho(Time, potrho, grid_yt_ocean, grid_xt_ocean) ;
>> salt_on_rho:long_name = "salt on potential density surface" ;
>> salt_on_rho:units = "psu" ;
>> salt_on_rho:valid_range = 0.f, 1000.f ;
>> salt_on_rho:missing_value = -1.e+20f ;
>> salt_on_rho:_FillValue = -1.e+20f ;
>> salt_on_rho:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;
>> salt_on_rho:time_avg_info = "average_T1,average_T2,average_DT" ;
>> float potrho_mix_depth(Time, yt_ocean, xt_ocean) ;
>> potrho_mix_depth:long_name = "Depth of potential density mixed layer" ;
>> potrho_mix_depth:units = "m" ;
>> potrho_mix_depth:valid_range = -1000000.f, 1000000.f ;
>> potrho_mix_depth:missing_value = -1.e+20f ;
>> potrho_mix_depth:_FillValue = -1.e+20f ;
>> potrho_mix_depth:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;
>> potrho_mix_depth:time_avg_info = "average_T1,average_T2,average_DT" ;
>> potrho_mix_depth:coordinates = "geolon_t geolat_t" ;
>> float potrho_mix_base(Time, yt_ocean, xt_ocean) ;
>> potrho_mix_base:long_name = "Potential density at mixed layer base" ;
>> potrho_mix_base:units = "kg/m^3" ;
>> potrho_mix_base:valid_range = -1000000.f, 1000000.f ;
>> potrho_mix_base:missing_value = -1.e+20f ;
>> potrho_mix_base:_FillValue = -1.e+20f ;
>> potrho_mix_base:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;
>> potrho_mix_base:time_avg_info = "average_T1,average_T2,average_DT" ;
>> potrho_mix_base:coordinates = "geolon_t geolat_t" ;
>> float press(Time, st_ocean, yt_ocean, xt_ocean) ;
>> press:long_name = "absolute pressure" ;
>> press:units = "dbar" ;
>> press:valid_range = -10.f, 1000000.f ;
>> press:missing_value = -1.e+20f ;
>> press:_FillValue = -1.e+20f ;
>> press:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;
>> press:time_avg_info = "average_T1,average_T2,average_DT" ;
>> press:coordinates = "geolon_t geolat_t" ;
>> float mld(Time, yt_ocean, xt_ocean) ;
>> mld:long_name = "mixed layer depth determined by density criteria" ;
>> mld:units = "m" ;
>> mld:valid_range = 0.f, 1000000.f ;
>> mld:missing_value = -1.e+20f ;
>> mld:_FillValue = -1.e+20f ;
>> mld:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;
>> mld:time_avg_info = "average_T1,average_T2,average_DT" ;
>> mld:coordinates = "geolon_t geolat_t" ;
>> mld:standard_name = "ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_t" ;
>> double average_T1(Time) ;
>> average_T1:long_name = "Start time for average period" ;
>> average_T1:units = "days since 1980-01-01 00:00:00" ;
>> average_T1:missing_value = 1.e+20 ;
>> average_T1:_FillValue = 1.e+20 ;
>> double average_T2(Time) ;
>> average_T2:long_name = "End time for average period" ;
>> average_T2:units = "days since 1980-01-01 00:00:00" ;
>> average_T2:missing_value = 1.e+20 ;
>> average_T2:_FillValue = 1.e+20 ;
>> double average_DT(Time) ;
>> average_DT:long_name = "Length of average period" ;
>> average_DT:units = "days" ;
>> average_DT:missing_value = 1.e+20 ;
>> average_DT:_FillValue = 1.e+20 ;
>> double Time_bounds(Time, nv) ;
>> Time_bounds:long_name = "Time axis boundaries" ;
>> Time_bounds:units = "days" ;
>> Time_bounds:missing_value = 1.e+20 ;
>> Time_bounds:_FillValue = 1.e+20 ;
>> // global attributes:
>> :filename = "ocean_layer.nc" ;
>> :title = "MOM4 box" ;
>> :grid_type = "regular" ;
>> :grid_tile = "N/A" ;
>> data:
>>  grid_xt_ocean = 1.25, 3.75, 6.25, 8.75, 11.25, 13.75, 16.25, 18.75,
>> 21.25,
>>     23.75, 26.25, 28.75, 31.25, 33.75, 36.25, 38.75, 41.25, 43.75, 46.25,
>>     48.75, 51.25, 53.75, 56.25, 58.75 ;
>>  grid_yt_ocean = 1.25, 3.7488100528717, 6.2393012046814,
>> 8.71919345855713,
>>     11.1815176010132, 13.6242818832397, 16.0408229827881,
>> 18.4296073913574,
>>     20.784387588501, 23.1042194366455, 25.3833503723145,
>> 27.6215190887451,
>>     29.813497543335, 31.9597606658936, 34.0555992126465,
>> 36.1022338867188,
>>     38.0954322814941, 40.0371551513672, 41.9235687255859,
>> 43.7573394775391,
>>     45.5349464416504, 47.259708404541, 48.9283294677734,
>> 50.5447235107422,
>>     52.1057090759277, 53.6157531738281, 55.0716934204102,
>> 56.4785079956055,
>>     57.8329429626465, 59.1404571533203, 60.3976211547852,
>> 61.6103477478027,
>>     62.7749481201172, 63.8977813720703, 64.9748153686523 ;
>>  theta = -1.84, -1.52, -1.2, -0.88, -0.56, -0.24, 0.0800000000000003,
>> 0.4,
>>     0.72, 1.04, 1.36, 1.68, 2, 2.32, 2.64, 2.96, 3.28, 3.6, 3.92, 4.24,
>> 4.56,
>>     4.88, 5.2, 5.52, 5.84, 6.16, 6.48, 6.8, 7.12, 7.44, 7.76, 8.08, 8.4,
>>     8.72, 9.04, 9.36, 9.68000000000001, 10, 10.32, 10.64, 10.96, 11.28,
>> 11.6,
>>     11.92, 12.24, 12.56, 12.88, 13.2, 13.52, 13.84, 14.16, 14.48, 14.8,
>>     15.12, 15.44, 15.76, 16.08, 16.4, 16.72, 17.04, 17.36, 17.68, 18,
>> 18.32,
>>     18.64, 18.96, 19.28, 19.6, 19.92, 20.24, 20.56, 20.88, 21.2, 21.52,
>>     21.84, 22.16, 22.48, 22.8, 23.12, 23.44, 23.76, 24.08, 24.4, 24.72,
>>     25.04, 25.36, 25.68, 26, 26.32, 26.64, 26.96, 27.28, 27.6, 27.92,
>> 28.24,
>>     28.56, 28.88, 29.2, 29.52, 29.84 ;
>>  theta_edges = 1028, 1028.1, 1028.2, 1028.3, 1028.4, 1028.5, 1028.6,
>> 1028.7,
>>     1028.8, 1028.9, 1029, 1029.1, 1029.2, 1029.3, 1029.4, 1029.5, 1029.6,
>>     1029.7, 1029.8, 1029.9, 1030, 1030.1, 1030.2, 1030.3, 1030.4, 1030.5,
>>     1030.6, 1030.7, 1030.8, 1030.9, 1031, 1031.1, 1031.2, 1031.3, 1031.4,
>>     1031.5, 1031.6, 1031.7, 1031.8, 1031.9, 1032, 1032.1, 1032.2, 1032.3,
>>     1032.4, 1032.5, 1032.6, 1032.7, 1032.8, 1032.9, 1033, 1033.1, 1033.2,
>>     1033.3, 1033.4, 1033.49999999999, 1033.59999999999, 1033.69999999999,
>>     1033.79999999999, 1033.89999999999, 1033.99999999999,
>> 1034.09999999999,
>>     1034.19999999999, 1034.29999999999, 1034.39999999999,
>> 1034.49999999999,
>>     1034.59999999999, 1034.69999999999, 1034.79999999999,
>> 1034.89999999999,
>>     1034.99999999999, 1035.09999999999, 1035.19999999999,
>> 1035.29999999999,
>>     1035.39999999999, 1035.49999999999, 1035.59999999999,
>> 1035.69999999999,
>>     1035.79999999999, 1035.89999999999, 1035.99999999999,
>> 1036.09999999999,
>>     1036.19999999999, 1036.29999999999, 1036.39999999999,
>> 1036.49999999999,
>>     1036.59999999999, 1036.69999999999, 1036.79999999999,
>> 1036.89999999999,
>>     1036.99999999999, 1037.09999999999, 1037.19999999999,
>> 1037.29999999999,
>>     1037.39999999999, 1037.49999999999, 1037.59999999999,
>> 1037.69999999999,
>>     1037.79999999999, 1037.89999999999, 1037.99999999999 ;
>>  Time = 2 ;
>>  nv = 1, 2 ;
>>  xt_ocean = 1.25, 3.75, 6.25, 8.75, 11.25, 13.75, 16.25, 18.75, 21.25,
>> 23.75,
>>     26.25, 28.75, 31.25, 33.75, 36.25, 38.75, 41.25, 43.75, 46.25, 48.75,
>>     51.25, 53.75, 56.25, 58.75 ;
>>  yt_ocean = 1.25, 3.7488100528717, 6.2393012046814, 8.71919345855713,
>>     11.1815176010132, 13.6242818832397, 16.0408229827881,
>> 18.4296073913574,
>>     20.784387588501, 23.1042194366455, 25.3833503723145,
>> 27.6215190887451,
>>     29.813497543335, 31.9597606658936, 34.0555992126465,
>> 36.1022338867188,
>>     38.0954322814941, 40.0371551513672, 41.9235687255859,
>> 43.7573394775391,
>>     45.5349464416504, 47.259708404541, 48.9283294677734,
>> 50.5447235107422,
>>     52.1057090759277, 53.6157531738281, 55.0716934204102,
>> 56.4785079956055,
>>     57.8329429626465, 59.1404571533203, 60.3976211547852,
>> 61.6103477478027,
>>     62.7749481201172, 63.8977813720703, 64.9748153686523 ;
>>  st_ocean = 17.75025, 53.25075, 88.75125, 124.25175, 159.75225,
>> 195.25275,
>>     230.75325, 266.25375, 314.34159289856, 399.171716592407,
>>     541.922400494385, 759.079548358154, 1061.10117883301,
>> 1451.56990550537,
>>     1926.90292906494, 2476.64250944824, 3084.30280480957,
>> 3728.70522619629 ;
>>  st_edges_ocean = 0, 35.5005, 71.001, 106.5015, 142.002, 177.5025,
>> 213.003,
>>     248.5035, 290.29765597229, 356.756654745483, 470.547043066406,
>>     650.50097442627, 910.090332641602, 1256.33548026123,
>> 1689.23641728516,
>>     2201.77290498047, 2780.47265712891, 3406.50401550293,
>> 4057.20024763184 ;
>>  potrho = 1028.05, 1028.15, 1028.25, 1028.35, 1028.45, 1028.55, 1028.65,
>>     1028.75, 1028.85, 1028.95, 1029.05, 1029.15, 1029.25, 1029.35,
>> 1029.45,
>>     1029.55, 1029.65, 1029.75, 1029.85, 1029.95, 1030.05, 1030.15,
>> 1030.25,
>>     1030.35, 1030.45, 1030.55, 1030.65, 1030.75, 1030.85, 1030.95,
>> 1031.05,
>>     1031.15, 1031.25, 1031.35, 1031.45, 1031.55, 1031.65, 1031.75,
>> 1031.85,
>>     1031.95, 1032.05, 1032.15, 1032.25, 1032.35, 1032.45, 1032.55,
>> 1032.65,
>>     1032.75, 1032.85, 1032.95, 1033.05, 1033.15, 1033.25, 1033.35,
>> 1033.45,
>>     1033.54999999999, 1033.64999999999, 1033.74999999999,
>> 1033.84999999999,
>>     1033.94999999999, 1034.04999999999, 1034.14999999999,
>> 1034.24999999999,
>>     1034.34999999999, 1034.44999999999, 1034.54999999999,
>> 1034.64999999999,
>>     1034.74999999999, 1034.84999999999, 1034.94999999999,
>> 1035.04999999999,
>>     1035.14999999999, 1035.24999999999, 1035.34999999999,
>> 1035.44999999999,
>>     1035.54999999999, 1035.64999999999, 1035.74999999999,
>> 1035.84999999999,
>>     1035.94999999999, 1036.04999999999, 1036.14999999999,
>> 1036.24999999999,
>>     1036.34999999999, 1036.44999999999, 1036.54999999999,
>> 1036.64999999999,
>>     1036.74999999999, 1036.84999999999, 1036.94999999999,
>> 1037.04999999999,
>>     1037.14999999999, 1037.24999999999, 1037.34999999999,
>> 1037.44999999999,
>>     1037.54999999999, 1037.64999999999, 1037.74999999999,
>> 1037.84999999999,
>>     1037.94999999999 ;
>>  potrho_edges = 1028, 1028.1, 1028.2, 1028.3, 1028.4, 1028.5, 1028.6,
>> 1028.7,
>>     1028.8, 1028.9, 1029, 1029.1, 1029.2, 1029.3, 1029.4, 1029.5, 1029.6,
>>     1029.7, 1029.8, 1029.9, 1030, 1030.1, 1030.2, 1030.3, 1030.4, 1030.5,
>>     1030.6, 1030.7, 1030.8, 1030.9, 1031, 1031.1, 1031.2, 1031.3, 1031.4,
>>     1031.5, 1031.6, 1031.7, 1031.8, 1031.9, 1032, 1032.1, 1032.2, 1032.3,
>>     1032.4, 1032.5, 1032.6, 1032.7, 1032.8, 1032.9, 1033, 1033.1, 1033.2,
>>     1033.3, 1033.4, 1033.49999999999, 1033.59999999999, 1033.69999999999,
>>     1033.79999999999, 1033.89999999999, 1033.99999999999,
>> 1034.09999999999,
>>     1034.19999999999, 1034.29999999999, 1034.39999999999,
>> 1034.49999999999,
>>     1034.59999999999, 1034.69999999999, 1034.79999999999,
>> 1034.89999999999,
>>     1034.99999999999, 1035.09999999999, 1035.19999999999,
>> 1035.29999999999,
>>     1035.39999999999, 1035.49999999999, 1035.59999999999,
>> 1035.69999999999,
>>     1035.79999999999, 1035.89999999999, 1035.99999999999,
>> 1036.09999999999,
>>     1036.19999999999, 1036.29999999999, 1036.39999999999,
>> 1036.49999999999,
>>     1036.59999999999, 1036.69999999999, 1036.79999999999,
>> 1036.89999999999,
>>     1036.99999999999, 1037.09999999999, 1037.19999999999,
>> 1037.29999999999,
>>     1037.39999999999, 1037.49999999999, 1037.59999999999,
>> 1037.69999999999,
>>     1037.79999999999, 1037.89999999999, 1037.99999999999 ;
>> }
>> I am having trouble deciding which will be the xdef, ydef, zdef, and tdef
>> values. Also, how do I find what UNDEF number to use. Your help will be
>> greatly appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> David
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