[gradsusr] create another NetCDF file containing a few variables from NetCDF file.

NAGARAJU CHILUKOTI chilukotinagaraju at gmail.com
Fri Jan 24 01:58:31 EST 2014

HI !!!

   GrADS can create one variable in one file ( using sdfwrite command )

    so you have to create separate file for each variable and then you can
merge those files using ncrcat or cdo

   or you can extract variables using CDO command

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 12:12 PM, Anil Kumar Sharma <aanil649 at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Grad Users,
> How can I create another NetCDF file containing a few variables from one
> NetCDF file. Any Ideas ?
> Basically, I have one NetCDF  file containing 8 variables, i want new
> NetCDF file containing 2 variables only .
> Regards,
> Anil
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Nagaraju Chilukoti
Information Services and Ocean Sciences Group
Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS),
"Ocean Valley",Pragathi Nagar
Fax: +91-40-23892910
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 chilukotinagaraju at gmail.com
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