[gradsusr] trouble performing the Tutorial

Júlio Barboza Chiquetto julio22 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 26 19:36:10 EDT 2014

Hello Gerson,
you can use a path after the 'open' command, like:
open home/users/downloads/model.ctl

Or simply use GrADS in the same folder as the model.ctl file, the 'open'
command should work then.


Júlio B. Chiquetto,

Doutorando em Climatologia
USP - Geografia Física

PhD Student in Climatology
University of Sao Paulo - Physical Geography

On 26 August 2014 15:36, Gerson Fernandino de A. Neto <
gerson.fernandino at yahoo.com.br> wrote:

> Hello.
> I have a really, really basic trouble.
> I'm beggining to work with GrADS now and have just intalled the software.
> I was trying to perform the tutorial but could not go beyond the first
> command "open model.ctl" because it says it "can't open description file"
> when I use it. I have downloaded the files (which are in the download
> folder) and have a copy of them in a folder in the desktop. I believe I
> have to "tell" GrADS where it is but I don't know how.
> Can someone help me?
> Cheers,
> *Gerson Fernandino de Andrade Neto*
> *Oceanógrafo/Oceanographer - Salvador - BA, BR*
> *+55 71 9336-1781 <%2B55%2071%209336-1781> (Tim)*
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