[gradsusr] To Plot Ocean Current streams

Anil Kumar Sharma aanil649 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 3 03:13:38 EDT 2014

Hi Everyone,

I have NetCDF data downloaded for Ocean Current from NOAA website and is
attached for reference. Below is the NCDump

*netcdf rtofs_glo_2ds_f024_daily_prog {*
*        lat = 360 ;*
*        lev = 1 ;*
*        lon = 720 ;*
*        time = 1 ;*
*        double lat(lat) ;*
*                lat:grads_dim = "y" ;*
*                lat:grads_mapping = "linear" ;*
*                lat:grads_size = "2160" ;*
*                lat:units = "degrees_north" ;*
*                lat:long_name = "latitude" ;*
*                lat:minimum = -90. ;*
*                lat:maximum = 89.90947 ;*
*                lat:resolution = 0.08333f ;*
*        double lev(lev) ;*
*                lev:grads_dim = "z" ;*
*                lev:grads_mapping = "levels" ;*
*                lev:units = "millibar" ;*
*                lev:long_name = "altitude" ;*
*                lev:minimum = 1. ;*
*                lev:maximum = 1. ;*
*        double lon(lon) ;*
*                lon:grads_dim = "x" ;*
*                lon:grads_mapping = "linear" ;*
*                lon:grads_size = "4320" ;*
*                lon:units = "degrees_east" ;*
*                lon:long_name = "longitude" ;*
*                lon:minimum = 74.16 ;*
*                lon:maximum = 434.06227 ;*
*                lon:resolution = 0.08333f ;*
*        double time(time) ;*
*                time:grads_dim = "t" ;*
*                time:grads_mapping = "linear" ;*
*                time:grads_size = "9" ;*
*                time:grads_min = "00z13mar2014" ;*
*                time:grads_step = "1dy" ;*
*                time:units = "days since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0" ;*
*                time:long_name = "time" ;*
*                time:minimum = "00z13mar2014" ;*
*                time:maximum = "00z21mar2014" ;*
*                time:resolution = 1.f ;*
*        float u_velocity(time, lev, lat, lon) ;*
*                u_velocity:_FillValue = 1.26765e+030f ;*
*                u_velocity:missing_value = 1.26765e+030f ;*
*                u_velocity:long_name = "eastward_sea_water_velocity (m/s)
" ;*
*        float v_velocity(time, lev, lat, lon) ;*
*                v_velocity:_FillValue = 1.26765e+030f ;*
*                v_velocity:missing_value = 1.26765e+030f ;*
*                v_velocity:long_name = "northward_sea_water_velocity (m/s)
" ;*

*// global attributes:*
*                :title = "2D Sfc Daily Prognostic 00Z13mar2014: Forecast,
*aded Mar 13 15:18 UTC" ;*
*                :Conventions = "COARDS\n",*
*                        "GrADS" ;*
*                :dataType = "Grid" ;*
*                :history =  "Thu Mar 13 11:21:41 EDT 2014 : imported by
GrADS Data Server 2.0" ;*
*                :NCO = "20140314" ;*

I need to Plot the current Streams as output, Attached image can be treated
as output sample.
currently, I am using below command for displaying u_velocity and
v_velocity variables

*d skip(u_velocity*1.95,14,14);skip(v_velocity*1.95,14,14)*

with skip function I am only able to plot arrow but no stream (we can say
axis of current)

I really don't know how to get this working. Any help on it please

-- Anil
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