[gradsusr] Still trying to draw NEXRAD data

Sytske Kimball skimball at southalabama.edu
Fri Sep 13 13:16:29 EDT 2013


Thank you for your response. So far I've had no luck identifying other
netCDF sources for NEXRAD data. But I'll follow up when/if I do.


Sytske (seets-kah) Kimball
Professor of Meteorology
Director, South Alabama Mesonet
Dept. of Earth Sciences
University of South Alabama
Mobile, AL
phone (251) 460-7031
fax       (251) 460-7886
email   skimball at southalabama.edu <skimball at usouthal.edu>
web:   http://chiliweb.southalabama.edu/

On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 11:55 AM, Jennifer Adams <jma at cola.iges.org> wrote:

> On Sep 12, 2013, at 12:15 PM, Sytske Kimball wrote:
> All,
> Here is a demo script that Jennifer Adams wrote to display NEXRAD radar
> data in GrADS:
>     ftp://cola.gmu.edu/grads/scripts/shp_demo3.gs
> It uses a descriptor file called radar.ctl and it appears that the radar
> data is in netCDF format.
> The radar data in that example script is from a gridded radar mosaic
> product that we acquire in real time via the LDM (the FNEXRAD feed). It is
> in grib2 format and has a high resolution (~1km). I do not know of another
> source for this data. It is handled by GrADS like any other grib2 file. The
> descriptor (/data/grib2/radar/radar.ctl) looks like this:
> dset  ^1002061200.mosaic
> index ^radar.map
> undef 9.999E+20
> title high res radar mosaic
> dtype grib2
> pdef 4800 3000 lcc 23.500000 240.000000 1 1 40.000000 40.000000 260.000000
> 998.958000 998.333000
> xdef 6613 linear -129.065098 0.00990277149502644
> ydef 3309 linear 22.217921 0.00907575454545454
> zdef 1 linear 1 1
> tdef 1 linear 11:58z6feb2010 1mn
> vars 1
> base  0,1,0   0,15,1 ** surface none Base Reflectivity [dB]
> NEXRAD data can be converted to netCDF using the NOAA Weather and Climate
> Toolkit, but how does one obtain a descriptor file for netCDF data??
> If you can acquire NEXRAD data in netcdf format from some other source,
> and you want to display it with GrADS, then you should read the
> documentation at http://iges.org/grads/gadoc/SDFdescriptorfile.html. If
> you are still having trouble, then post the descriptor file you have
> created, the full text of the GrADS session that is failing, and the output
> from ncdump -c on your data file.
> --Jennifer
> Thanks,
> Sytske
> Sytske (seets-kah) Kimball
> Professor of Meteorology
> Director, South Alabama Mesonet
> Dept. of Earth Sciences
> University of South Alabama
> Mobile, AL
> phone (251) 460-7031
> fax       (251) 460-7886
> email   skimball at southalabama.edu <skimball at usouthal.edu>
> web:   http://chiliweb.southalabama.edu/
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> Jennifer M. Adams
> Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)
> 111 Research Hall, Mail Stop 2B3
> George Mason University
> 4400 University Drive
> Fairfax, VA 22030
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