[gradsusr] Question about srh1km(uVAR,vVAR) function

Jeff Duda jeffduda319 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 6 13:30:30 EDT 2013

I don't use openGrads, so there may be some specifics I'm not aware of.
uVAR and vVAR are just dummy names for the u- and v-components of the
wind.  The inaccuracies are probably due to the exact specifics with how
the 0-1 km shear is computed in the script.  One big question is how is the
1 km layer wind field being computed?  Is it just 1 km MSL or 1 km AGL?
Those are things you need to find out.  I recommend asking the authors
whose email addresses are given on the linked page.


On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 12:20 PM, Nimrod Micael <nmicael at aggies.ncat.edu>wrote:

> *srh1km*(*uVAR,vVAR*)
> What is uVAR and vVAR?  I dont have those variables.
> http://opengrads.org/doc/udxt/saakeskus/
> I tried replacing uVar and vVar with u and v wind but I am getting some
> inaccuracies with the 0-1 KM shear. Can someone help me out?
> Thanks.
> --
> Nimrod Micael
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Jeff Duda
Graduate research assistant
University of Oklahoma School of Meteorology
Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms
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