[gradsusr] Displaying GFS wind gust speeds [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]

Ben Quinn benwquinn at gmail.com
Sun Sep 1 19:00:39 EDT 2013

Hi Ken,

There doesn't seem to be any direction data in the GUSTsfc variable, 
only the wind gust speed itself.  On the page that you link to the 
associated grads script simply displays the GUSTsfc variable by

'd GUSTsfc * 1.9438449'

Kind regards,


On 2/09/2013 8:50 AM, Ken Kato wrote:
> Hi all,
> Does anyone know how to display surface wind gust speeds using the GFS 
> datasets (self-describing format, high definition) from either 
> the NOMAD or monsoondata servers?
> For example, if I use the script below:
> 'sdfopen 
> http://nomads.ncep.noaa.gov:9090/dods/gfs_hd/gfs_hd20130901/gfs_hd_12z' <http://nomads.ncep.noaa.gov:9090/dods/gfs_hd/gfs_hd20130901/gfs_hd_12z%27>
> 'set LAT -47 -8'
> 'set LON 105 160'
> 'set lev 1000'
> 'set t 5'
> 'd mag(ugrd10m,vgrd10m,gustssfc)'
> ... it just results in:
> Error from MAG:  Too many or too few args
>                  Two arguments expected
> Operation Error:  Error from mag function
>   Error ocurred at column 1
> DISPLAY error:  Invalid expression
> I've tried all sorts of different combinations such as "d 
> mag(ugrd10m;vgrd10m;gustssfc)", "d gustssfc", etc as well as the GFS 
> data from monsoondata but no luck. However, some websites offer GFS 
> wind gust speed charts (e.g. 
> http://forecasts.bsch.com.au/stormcast.html?ops=gfs:2013090106:2013090606:aus:gustssfc:null#sc) 
> and I've seen the "gustssfc" variable mentioned in past discussions 
> but doesn't appear in the datasets' variables list.
> Ken.
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